Doodlebug’s first pictures!!

My appointment was FABULOUS. Had to pee in the cup, of course. Was asked a few questions, duh. Then, Dr. Cannon brought out the Doppler. It was so funny, Doodlebug kept moving so she had to keep chasing around, but I got to hear that little heartbeat.

SO freaking amazing. I wish I would have brought the tape recorder so Jake could hear it, too, but he’ll have an opportunity in a couple of months to hear it for himself.

Then, the joys of a pap smear. Eh, those never really bother me anyway.

And then, I got an ultrasound!! Oh, it was so cute! Doodlebug waved at me a little, and then apparently fell asleep, or maybe she (yes, I’m saying she, because I can!) was just being still and trying to cooperate with the doc. Baby is measuring at 11 weeks, 5 days, but she’s not changing my due date ’cause Doodlebug was curled up a little, so that could just be it.

And I got to see that little heart beating away, too. Gosh, it’s all so much more real now.

Also had like, 6 vials of blood drawn. It’s my own fault though. I went ahead and had them draw some so they could test for HIV and cystic fibrosis, just in case.

She was supposed to give me a prescription for something to help with my nausea, but the only prescription that was in my little goody bag they gave me is for some prenatal vitamins. Eh, I should be ok in a few weeks anyway.


So without further ado, I give you Doodlebug! (Because I know that’s why you’re all reading this, anyway!)

Haha, the head looks like an alien head! those little white spots up there are the eyes and stuff, and you can see the two little hands on either side.


And just for you guys……


See that on my ticker down there? How Doodlebug’s gender is supposed to be evident? Dr. Cannon tried to take a peek to see if she could make a guess, but Doodlebug wasn’t having it, those little legs were all smushed up! Ah, well, we’ll know eventually.


Oh, Meredith, I got your card today! Thank you!





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March 8, 2006

*sniff* COngratulations. You seem so very happy.

March 8, 2006

Okay that just ruined my day. You have to get a pap smear even when you are pregnant? What kind of B.S. is that? I mean really, that makes me almost want to never get pregnant just because of tramautic doctor appointments.*sigh*. I am SO GLAD it went so well for you! I’m very happy for you Stace!

^ ? They have to make sure you’re okay. Congrats, girl. I’m so happy for you!

March 8, 2006

YAY!I’m so glad things are a-ok! 🙂 🙂 ps, your present is gonna be late! SORRY!

March 8, 2006

Doodlebug is so beautiful. I’m partial to my Belly Bean but I’d say your’s is a close second. 😉 hehehehe.

March 8, 2006

Your Doc’s name is so close to mine. Mine is Dr. Cameron! LOL. I have a male though. But he’s so awesome. A wonderful Doctor. I had to give 4 vials of blood yesterday and get a pap done. Not my idea of a good time. lol.

March 8, 2006

Aww, I love looking ar ultrasound pics. You can find out at 12 weeks?

March 8, 2006

So glad to hear your appointment went well. The pictures are very cute. Can’t wait to hear if it’s a boy or a girl. 🙂

March 8, 2006

Not even born and you’re already putting words in your kid’s mouth. I thought mother normally waited until puberty for that 😉 And you should do American Idol reviews! Especially if you Tivo’d it or whatever people do to tape things these days. (381 Days left in the Air Force for me!!!)

March 8, 2006

Great pics! I’m glad the appointment went so well today! Btw, I’m due exactly 2 months after you are!

March 8, 2006

Awww it’s so exciting isn’t it!!! I get the fun pap smear next visit lol

March 9, 2006

Awwwww, The pics i must say rock =D xx

March 9, 2006

*Radom Noter here*, Doodlebug is what we call my neice, she is about to turn 1. Her sister who is 2 doesn’t call her by ner name which is Lexi, she calls her her Doodle, so cute. ~Cheryl

March 9, 2006

Aww how cute! My baby looked like an alien too the last time I saw it, that was at my 10 week ultrasound. I hated getting a papsmear while pregnant, it made me spot! (I just clicked from the pregnancy diary circle)

March 10, 2006

I don’t know how I missed this entry!!!!!! Congrats sweetie!!!

March 10, 2006

you got to see more than I did at my first sono I saw a pea-thats it. a pea with no anything. lol-I like your sono! looking good girl! congrads!

March 11, 2006

How did I miss this entry! Hi there Doodlebug!