Doctors and such

So, Noah had his one year checkup today. Little boy hasn’t really grown a whole lot…I think he’s only gotten taller by like, an inch, and he actually lost a little weight….he was 22 1/2 pounds at 9 months; now he’s 21 pounds, 11 ounces.

He did SO good, though! Was very cooperative, except for when the nurse was trying to measure his head. She had to keep doing it because she was getting a smaller measurement than what they recorded at 9 months. Weird.

He also got his eyes checked, since we have a family history of vision problems. He passed with flying colors, though.

He got two shots, and was a trooper with those, too. Looked a little surprised at the first, cried for a few seconds after the second, but he was fine as soon as I picked him up. What sucks is that our ped combines the MMR with the varicella vax….if you’ll recall, I wanted to skip varicella altogether. So I’m not happy that he’ll have to have it, but at least it’ll be delayed as well. But I can’t believe they combine them….that’s FOUR live viruses together!!!! That is WAY too much in my opinion.

I also talked with the lactation consultant about weaning him. I don’t have much of a choice in the matter….as most of you know, I’ve been battling a low supply, which I now know is due to the pregnancy. She said the easiest way is to just cut out all daytime feedings, and just leave his first thing in the morning, last thing at night feeding, and then eventually drop one of those, and then gradually drop the other as well. It’s going to be hard, especially since he’s not really proficient with the sippy cups yet, but we’ll manage.

And, I made an appointment for myself with a new OB. I’ll be going to a completely different hospital this time around as well. My first appointment is Friday afternoon. I realized the other night that I’m further along than I originally thought. One of the due date calculators was trying to say that I conceived around August 30, but I knew that couldn’t be right because, well, we didn’t have sex anywhere close to that, since I thought that was going to be around the time I would ovulate. Another calculator, which went solely off of my LMP, says August 15, which sounds a heck of a lot more plausible. So that puts me at almost 8 weeks already. My mom says that though she isn’t 100% sure, she thinks it’ll be a girl this time. I sure hope so….then I’ll definitely be done having babies. And I won’t have to listen to Jake go on about naming another boy Moses. Yes, you read that right, Moses. Insert eye roll here.

Hey, at least he thinks it’s funny. He also thought it was funny to suggest that if it is a girl, we could name her Erin (that’s the skank’s name). He’s still not overly thrilled, but at least he’s not completely avoiding the topic. I’m still a little less than thrilled myself, but I’m trying to stay positive.

Anyway, that’s about all from me for now.








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September 24, 2007

It sounds as if the two of you are still adjusting to the news. But I wanted to say congratulations. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. Sending girl vibes your way so that you can be done with babies!

September 24, 2007

I vote you name her Kaitlyn like you wanted (I think that’s what you wanted, can’t remember for sure right now.) I know I’m way too picky and critical, but I would be switching pediatricians if a doctor tried to pull that crap with me. If they want to, doctors can even order the MMR as seperate shots. Good luck with the sippy cups.

September 30, 2007

Noah and Moses! Hahaha! That IS funny but very silly at the same time!