doctor, doctor *edit for pictures!*

Sooo…..had my 20 week appointment today. Nothing super special, my weight hasn’t seemed to change at all, but I did get another ultrasound!! Much better pictures of my munchkin, though Dr. Paige mentioned something about him being breech right now. That’s alright, he’s got plenty of time to turn around! Poor little guy is as exhausted as I am (I only got about 3 hours of sleep this morning), he was all curled up and snoozing away…..and since he was all curled up, we couldn’t get a better gender shot, but Dr. Paige said that Dr. Shaver is almost always right, so looks like we will be having ourselves a little Noah. *Sigh*…..I’m just happy to be having a baby at all, but I really wanted a girl first to make sure that I get myself a girl!! Better luck next time, I guess…..

He’s grown SO much just in the past couple of weeks!! Hard to believe that I’m only halfway through……I can’t wait to meet our baby boy!

I go back in four weeks for my glucose test. Oh, joy. Must remember to bring a book or something with me.


Ummm……that’s about all I’ve got for now.



Ok, finally got off my butt and scanned in the pictures from my last ultrasound, and from this one….also finally uploaded the pictures from Jacksonville (I didn’t realize till we got home that I hadn’t even had my memory card, so I had to drag out the USB cable…..)

Here, he’s got his little arms stretched out above his head…..I REALLY wish they would have given me a picture of this one thing he was doing, he was kinda rubbing the side of his face, it was SO cute….*sigh*

Can’t really see this one too well, but here it is anyway…by the way, all captions on these photos were done by the tech/doctor, not me.

Ok….gender shot….see, it’s REALLY hard to tell anything…..


But turn it sideways……

You can’t really see much these next two….sorry…..though you can make out his nose and a little fist next to his face in the second one….

I LOVE this one…..he’s just about to start sucking his thumb. Now, what I don’t get is, Dr. Paige said something about him being breech, but unless she was turning the wand a different way, he sure does look sideways, doesn’t he? But when she first started the ultrasound, his head WAS at the top of my belly…….

Closer shot of the impending thumb sucking….Jake says he looks like a little demon here…..



I’ll save the Jacksonville pictures for another entry, as I still have to load them to Snapfish anyway.




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May 1, 2006

I’m supposed to have my glucose test today (last time I ate a pop tart so they didn’t want to do it lol) but my midwife had a delivery this morning & has 2 more going into labor so they told me to call first! I don’t think I’ll ever get to take this test!! But I’m not so sad about it hehe

May 1, 2006

I am glad the appointment went well. I go in Wednesday.. and I can’t wait!!!!

May 1, 2006

Awwww… good! I’m glad he’s doing ok… are you gonna post the pics so we can see too?!?!?!?! I wanna see!!!! 🙂

May 1, 2006

with this pregnancy hubby & I were hoping for a boy, thought it was a boy anyway the way I was carrying & numerous reasons, ended up we are having another girl & we both were pretty bummed at first… but now that we think about it we’re both very thankful we’re having another girl. Good Luck with your pregnancy! If you can afford it I would recommend the 3D/4D ultrasound, seeing the gender is…

May 1, 2006

much easier, seeing your baby before they’re born is freaking amazing & it is well worth the cost. Good Luck with everything!

May 1, 2006

I was sort of that way with my first pregnancy, even though I was pretty sure I was having a boy. As it turns out I’m so in love with our son. He’s such a good baby and so much fun. I don’t think the gender actually matters too much once they get here. I’m glad you could find out the sex though, it gives more adjustment time.

May 1, 2006

I go for the famous glucose test on the 12th, YUCK! From what I hear it’s really nasty, but oh well, it’s for the safety of my baby and me! 🙂

May 1, 2006

Yay for ultrasounds! When do you get the amnio results back?

May 1, 2006

Glad to hear things are going well! I miss you!!!!! And I think of you often. 🙂 And I’m excited about the little boy you got growin there, even tho you did want a girl.

May 1, 2006

Awwwwww!!!! That’s so exciting! I’m glad you posted these…they’re adorable. 🙂

May 1, 2006

Awwwwww……. Hi lil Noah!!!

May 2, 2006

Cute!!!!!! He’s definitely a boy. =)

May 2, 2006

Wow, he looks so big already!! Can’t wait for him to get here!!!

May 2, 2006

what a cutie even in the ultrasound pics! 🙂 congratulations and wishing you all the best!

May 2, 2006

So cute, Stace!

May 2, 2006

Aw, aren’t /pics the best?! I’ve only had 1 u/s but I was at 20 weeks & she got such good pics, I was so happy but I want more!! lol I could sit & watch her all day! & btw, I saw another noter say something about the glucose test being nasty (which is what I Heard as well) but yesterday I did it & the stuff I had tastes JUST like fruit punch, wasn’t gross at ALL!!

May 2, 2006

I can see that demon too.. lol!