Dee Dee Dee!

(If you watch Mind of Mencia, you’ll know where the title comes from. Otherwise…it means I’m a complete dumbass.)


Well, lookie here…..could it be possible that I’m writing another entry? Nothing like hormones to draw me back to this place, huh? Eh, well, y’all are my best friends, and I can’t go through this without you.

So why am I a complete dumbass? Well, I went to go get my oil changed today, and I had to back up because they were trying to switch two vehicles from one bay to the next….and the one car was trying to squeeze between me and the other, so I was trying to back up a little more to give him some more room, and wham, I hit the fence they have around…..something back there. Put a nice little hole in my bumper because it’s plastic and I hit the corner right where one of those clamp thingies was.  It’s not that bad though, if we can get a flat head screwdriver back there to push it out, and I touch it up with paoint, you’d hardly be able to tell. It’s certainly not a priority to get it fixed or anything.


Me and the Doodlebug are doing good. I haven’t had as many cramps today; the ones I have had have been more thanks to gas (ew) than anything else. I’ve been getting lots of sleep, and bought lots of healthy stuff to eat at the grocery store today. I’ve thrown away all of my cigarettes (and though I know it’s for the best, man, even one cigarette a day would be nice!!), and all we have to drink in the house is water and a variety of juices and milk. Of course, I realize that a can or two of soda a day won’t kill me or Doodlebug, but,  Jake didn’t seem interested in buying soda either, so no big deal. I also bought a huge sports bra last night to sleep in, because these boobs are killing me. I’ve been trying to make as few trips downstairs as possible because it hurts like a bitch going down…..


Anyway, Jake popped in some dinner and I think it should be just about done, so I’m gonna hop off of here so I can do a couple of things before I head down those terrible stairs……love y’all! And since I’m definitely sticking around for the next few months, I’ll be noting and stuff again real soon.


Oh, and cross your fingers that I get an interview at Borders! Definitely need the money now….




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January 19, 2006

I wear my sports bra all the time now. My boobs are so swollen and sore.. it kills me not to. Damn these pregnancy hormones! lol.

January 19, 2006

The boobs will subside soon-I PROMISE!!!

January 19, 2006

Good luck with the Borders job! I used to work at Waldenbooks, and I LOVED it. I think they have a 30% discount, plus a coffee shop. 🙂 Go you for throwing those cigarettes away! That’s great!

January 19, 2006

hey, I have a question on how you all started looking for your house… I’m trying to find one but dont know where to even start! Did you just get lucky & hear about it? Thanks hun.

January 20, 2006

RYN: We’ve only bought a few things. We got those pacifiers, a baby book and then we put a stroller/car seat combination on Layaway. It was Winnie The Pooh. 🙂 We’re kind of going with Precious Moments and Winnie The Pooh. Since we like them both. 🙂

January 20, 2006

I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you on the Borders thing. :o) Hope the new bra helps w/ the stairs!

January 20, 2006

RYN: No, not yet. I will be taking one (hopefully) this weekend though. See, the thing is, I think its more just my girly parts not working right. I’ve NEVER been regular, EVER, except when I was on the pill. Now I can go anywhere from 3 weeks to 3+ months between periods, they last anywhere from 2-10 days, and in between I get what I call ‘ghost’ periods. (I get cramps, PMS, etc. but no blood.)

awww you and cass are so cute!!!