Couldn’t prove it by me!! *

Gah, today does NOT feel like a Friday.

Since I took a nap yesterday afternoon, I didn’t feel ready for bed until 5 this morning. Could not fall asleep because I could not stop itching, so I stayed up and hung out with Jake while he got ready for work. He decided to take my car because the truck needs gas, and he didn’t want to stop and pump ’cause he was wearing his PTs….*rolls eyes*

So I attempted to go back to bed after he left. Was CLOSE to falling asleep when my cell phone rings. Jake. Telling me that he’s on his way home because he left some VERY IMPORTANT stuff in his truck. Uh…..when I gave you my car keys, a key to your truck was also on that ring, buddy. Whoops, sorry for calling you, honey!!

Then he calls again. He did NOT have a house key on that ring, and he needed to get inside. So I had to go unlock the door for him.

Finally fell asleep somewhere after 9…..only to wake up again at noon. Ok, sure, can’t spend the whole day sleeping, right?


Well, a few minutes ago, I decided I was going to walk over to Eckerd to get us some more soda. Only problem is….I can’t find my wallet. I think it’s in my car. It better be in my car, anyway.

Fucking great.

In good news, though, I just checked MySpace, and Casey [In Bootcamp] graduated from boot camp today!! So everyone go tell her congratulations!!

Update: Wallet WAS in my car, so that’s one less thing to stress over.

One more thing we may not have to stress over: getting that rattling noise in Jake’s truck fixed. I was filing some paperwork and came upon a letter from DaimlerChrysler, about extending the warranty for his catalytic converter. And why did they do that? Oh, only because it "may" produce a rattling noise yada yada yada….EXACTLY what is going on with his truck, basically. So we can get that fixed for free if that is indeed the case.

Anyway. Sometimes my husband can be a real jackass. I’ve been busting my ass this week to keep the house clean. And what does he do? Just continues to drop his shit wherever he feels like it. I ask him to do something simple for me, and he cops an attitude.

And I got SO pissed at him when he got home today. I was telling him how I’ve felt like crap all day – lack of sleep, combined with increasing tenderness/mild pain in the pubic bone area, along with a sore leg (I woke up on Wednesday morning and couldn’t move for awhile because my calf muscle in my left leg was all kinds of cramped and knotted up, and it’s still pretty tight)…..and he calls me a hypochondriac. Yeah, because I’m just insisting that I see a doctor for all of this. *rolls eyes*

YOU try being 6 months pregnant, buddy.

Though he has been telling me lately that I’ve been really good throughout this pregnancy, as in not complaining as much as a lot of women do, not being a crazy hysterical women like pregnant women on TV are, etc.




Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.




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June 16, 2006

Wow. She graduated already?? Time is flying!!

June 16, 2006

What a day you had! Hope tomorrow goes better for you! What’s your myspace? I will add you!! 🙂

June 16, 2006

Ugh, I hate when men chime in about anything to do with pregnancy LOL I can’t even tell you how many times MEN have given me advice with my pregnancy….it drives me nuts! Until you’ve grown a baby in your belly or can show me you’re a good Doctor, I don’t want to hear a whole lot of what you have to say about pregnancy lol & complain all you want, you are after all, making a human in your stomach

June 16, 2006

Adam is JUST like Jake sometimes. Ugh, Men!


June 18, 2006

Random noter..hope you don’t mind. Congratulations on your pregnancy, not too long to go now although i’m sure it feels like a lifetime. I’m just over 11 weeks pregnant myself and it feels a lifetime away since this little ones here! I love the name Noah =) take care Melissa xx

June 19, 2006

I hope Mike’s more sympathetic if I ever get pregnant.

Awww, I just read this, and thank you very much!!! I’ve missed SOOOO much with the whole baby thing… I can’t wait to get my laptop and catch up! Prepare for lots of notes! 😀