Christmas Pictures…and Cards

So, I finally got the Christmas pictures of Noah that Mom had done last month scanned in…

Keep in mind that he was a VERY sleepy boy and did NOT want to cooperate!





This is the one that the photographer BEGGED us to let her do…

And this is the one that I had put on the Christmas cards that will be sent to our family.

Speaking of Christmas cards, if you want one, speak now or forever hold your peace.


Doing some online holiday shopping? Visit my website!




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November 28, 2006

awwwh. what a cute sleepy baby.

i love the one with santa peeking in.. lol… I would love a xmas card

November 28, 2006

Aww! So cute! I’d definitely like a card. 🙂

Random noter: What an adorable baby boy! Congrats! :O)

The one with Santa is SO cute!

November 28, 2006

so cute

November 28, 2006

To Cute! Look at his little suit! 🙂

November 28, 2006

He is too cute

id like a card but you dont know me lol

November 28, 2006

Aweeeeee how cute!!!

December 1, 2006

Awwwwwwww I’m gonna wait another week or so til I get Natalie’s done :o) He is so wittle, it’s so cute!