Can’t decide!!!*

Argh….I have all of this money to spend, and now I can’t decide on what I want!!!

We decided to use the gift certificate on the swing and bouncy seat…..but then again, do we really need a bouncy seat? All you mommies out there, what are your thoughts regarding those?

And I found a swing that we both like… matches the pack n play, which makes me VERY happy….it also reclines, which makes me happy as well. The problem? The little tray thing seems rather low down…..what if baby boy has some chubby legs? The tray is removable, and I know Noah wouldn’t fall out if I took it off, because not only does it have the regular little lap belt, it has a shoulder harness as well, but still…..

Since the certificate is from, I can use it for my Babies R Us registry and I think my Target one as well, since they ship all of their stuff through Amazon….so, uh, any thoughts?

Of course, my mom keeps mentioning that her neighbor has a swing and a bouncy seat they’d be willing to sell for $60, which is a darn good price considering that they paid $100 for the swing alone….it’s a matching set, the Fisher Price Aquarium ones, but….the swing seat seems a bit narrow to me, and while it’s cool that the swing can go back and forth and side to side, they’re pretty big and we just don’t have that much room. Plus, I went to Babies R Us today and was playing with it, and the swing seat wasn’t very stable….And, I don’t like the fact that the bouncy seat has HARD toys on it, that doesn’t seem very appropriate for a small baby to me.

I’m also looking for recommendations for a breast pump. I don’t need anything fancy, a manual pump would be just fine, I only want it for when I start Noah on bottles so that Jake can feed him, as well. I’m looking at the Medela Harmony pump, it seems to have pretty good reviews…..


So come on ladies, help me spend some cash!!

Edit for responses to the notes I’ve received already….

1. Cass, Pooh is out of the question anyway…..not from Target or Babies R Us, lol!!

2. Swing does not wind up. Do they even still make those? Who’d have thunk?

3. Of course, the swing matching the pack n play won’t be the deciding factor, but then again, I am VERY OCD like that. Ask Jake….I still get upset at the fact that the stain on our wood stuff (bookcases, coffee table, etc) doesn’t all match. But it is very difficult to find stuff in the stain I prefer.

4. No bouncy seat? Swing will be downstairs, so he can be in that when we’re down there, and the pack n play will be staying upstairs, so he could go in that for a few minutes at a time…..I almost like that better, anyway, because it’d be a lot harder for the cats to get to him if he’s higher up like that.

So, that’s that……

Here’s links to the swing that matches, and the other swing that we are considering:

And the two bouncy seats I’m looking at…..



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May 16, 2006

We bought the Winnie The Pooh Kick and Play bouncer. I know with my nephew, he LOVES his swing and bouncer. It helps to calm him down when he’s fussy.

May 16, 2006

Medela yes….I’d get the swing and the bouncer, they are both invaluable to me. When Rolland sleeps if Max is awake I bring him AND his bouncy seat to the bathroom so I can shower, to the kitchen while I clean up and even in the yard sometimes and put him on the picnic table BUT the swing is what soothed my kids when fussy too…

May 16, 2006

Bouncy seats are a *must*. Where else are you going to put him while you try to accomplish stuff? I promise, my son lived in his. And the matching swing/pack n play thing? Forget it, just make sure that the swing does NOT wind up. Once your son is almost asleep and you have to go wind it up it will wake him up faster than thunder. Just some thoughts from someone with experience!

May 16, 2006

I agree with the note above my first one. I would never have showered for the first few months if I couldn’t put my little Angel in his bouncy seat and bring him in the bathroom with me. Also, If you can’t find anything else to buy stock up on diapers…you’ll never have enough of those!

May 16, 2006

We use the bouncy seats at the daycare I work at, they’re nice if you can’t hold the baby, but want to keep a close eye on the baby while you’re cleaning up or whatever. *shruG* Just my opinion 🙂

I am exactly the same about the OCD wood stain crap. It ANGERS me that things dont match, and that they painted our walls CREAM instead of white. WTF. Nothing goes with CREAM!

May 16, 2006

Bouncy seats (I’m really impressed with the ones that vibrate) are a must for daycare when you need to put a kid in a safe place while you step away. If the cats aren’t around (another room) or can be trusted somewhat,that would be a lot easier to carry around from room to room while you are cleaning or whatever and have baby safe. Also, I’ve seen some babies that we could only get to fall asleep

May 16, 2006

in the bouncy seat. (Usually babies that got to sleep on tummies at home, but of course could only sleep on back in daycare, this was the best way to lull them to sleep besides rocking for hours and hours when we had 7 other babies to take care of.) I would get one.

May 16, 2006

100% for medela … but i would really suggest getting a pump that is not manual. i’ve been pumping, and i can see that it would really suck to have to do manual. it is also really nice to get both sides done at one time!

May 16, 2006

So jealous! Well I say get the swing and the bouncer… that way if you go somewhere, you’ll be able to take the bouncer for him! Anyway, good luck!

May 16, 2006

Thanks 🙂

RYN: I fail to see why my diary is the place for this discussion too…guess I’m gonna have to start ignoring all notes about cric and just let them fight it out…

May 17, 2006

I loved my bouncy seat…we had the Fisherprice aquarium seat and it was lovely…Hunter loved it! And as far as breast pumps go….I used the medela bigdaddy pump….electric all the way….I was not into the hand pump…the electric was so much faster! But that is just me….I’m sure you’ll do fine with whatever you choose! =) ~Sabrina

May 17, 2006

I have no babies of my own nor do I expect any any time in the near distant future nor do I interact with babies on a regular basis so I’ll step back on this one. 🙂

May 17, 2006

My son HATED being put in a swing. No matter what we did he just screamed and cried so we didn’t get much use out of it. The bouncy seat he LOVED. For a long time that was how we could get him to sleep. And it was a Godsend when I had to take a shower or something, could take it right in there with me so he was close. When he was a bit bigger we got him the FP calming vibrations rocking chair.

May 17, 2006

I personally have the Papasan bouncer, and yeah, it looks comfy, but it’s pointless because once the baby isn’t a newborn anymore, there aren’t any toys or lights to make them want to sit in it. It’ll last about 4 months. Usually babies can’t grab at hard toys until they’re old enough to play with them anyway, so I’d go with something with toys or lights on it.

I read Amber’s (IslandStyle) diary and jumped/clicked randomly on to yours and had to tell you how funny I thought it was to read this, “…it’d be a lot harder for the cats to get to him…” Haha, it’s like you have crazy cats that live for stalking your child (okay-maybe that’s not funny). Anyway, I had a chuckle. Congrats on your pregnancy! Take care,Lindsay