Big Boy *

My little boy is growing up way too fast already.

We had another appointment with the lactation consultant this morning. He’s gained 9 ounces in the past week, which puts him up at 5 lbs 11 oz.

And he was such a good boy for me yesterday….he let Mommy get lots of sleep. He woke up a couple of times to eat, but we both went right back to sleep afterwards. And once we woke up for good, he was awake and alert for hours, which is a first for him.

And actually, I need to feed him and try and get some more sleep….he wasn’t as gracious last night as he was Wednesday night.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention…..remember how earlier this year, my back window on the driver’s side of my car broke? Well, not the window itself, just the mechanism to make it go up and down (electric windows).


Yeah, well, this morning, the OTHER back window broke. Same thing happened as last time – I was rolling my windows down to clear off the condensation, and CLUNK. Sad part is, right before I rolled the windows down, I thought to myself that maybe I shouldn’t do it. Should’ve listened to myself.

Luckily, this time I was able to get the window to go back up in the track, so I don’t have to tape any trash bags on this window. I’m hoping that my brother may be able to fix it when he and Riss come down…that’d save me about $200. And considering the fact that a) I already have enough work that needs to be done to my car, and b) we’re still broke (thanks, VA!), saving money would be good.

*sigh* If it’s not one thing, it’s another.


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September 29, 2006
September 29, 2006
September 29, 2006

Sleep while you can! Seems like Max was born yesterday but here he is over 10 months old and ALWAYS BUSY. It seems like he is awake more then the other kids but I *REALLY* just think it’s that I am getting so damn old LMAO! *throws drowsy dust on Noah and Mommy!*

September 29, 2006

I know the feeling! I realize now that everyone that says they grow up so fast are telling the truth! lol Have a question… Noah’s annoucment that you did, how did you make it? Is there a program that you bought?

September 29, 2006

the graciousness comes and goes, trust me. lol. When I get Addie ready for bed at night she will sleep for 4 hours the first time and then is up every 2 after that. It’s rough!

September 29, 2006

Yay for gainning weight! That’s always good :o)

September 29, 2006

I am glad he is lettting you get some sleep/

September 29, 2006

It’s amazing how quickly little ones grow up! but he’s such a cutie 🙂

September 29, 2006


October 1, 2006

bleh. Car repairs suck. It’s funny how fast little ones grow, isn’t it? Crissi