bad mommy

I’m a bad mommy.


Noah was sleeping, so I was trying to trim his nails…Mom had tried to do it in the hospital ’cause he came out with some long nails, but she left a lot of them really jagged and half hanging off. *frowns*

Unfortunately, little man decided that right as I was about to close the clippers, that would be a good time to move his hand….so I ended up cutting too much and I cut his poor little finger.

He barely fussed, but I feel like such a bad mommy….it was bleeding and everything. Mommies aren’t supposed to hurt their babies.





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September 21, 2006

awe, everyone makes mistakes! i wouldn’t worry. *smile* you are so blessed to have such a great thing like having a son! congratulations and i wish you all the happiness in the world. <3 ~

September 21, 2006

I found you on the front page. I have an 11 month old, and I still sometimes nick his poor little finger cause he jerks in his sleep. I always feel bad, but from what I gather every mommy does it. Your not a bad mommy. 🙂

September 21, 2006

*You’re not ‘your’

September 21, 2006

It’s okay! It was a mistake. I have a baby that will be three weeks old tomorrow and I’m terrified to clip her nails. My sister had to do it for it me and I’m waiting on her to come back over so that she can do it again.

September 21, 2006

My mother said dont feel bad she has done it its easy to do and she has 5 of us lol

September 21, 2006

Honey, don’t feel bad! I did the same thing. Addison didn’t even realize it and I felt awful too but accidents happen. It’s okay!

September 21, 2006

I know it doesn’t make it feel better, but every.simgle.mommy has done this at one point! Even I’ve done it to Cooper when he was a baby!

September 21, 2006

I still haven’t actually cut Alyssa’s nails, I always file them

September 21, 2006

You are not a bad mommy! He could hurt himself even worse scratching his cute little face if you hadn’t clipped them.

September 21, 2006

I think that happens to everyone. I’m going to have to make my mom or J.W. do it the first time. =) I’m sure I’ll slip and cut her!

September 21, 2006

aw I did that once not fun

September 22, 2006

You are not a bad mommy. I mean come on, they have 10 fingers…you are bound to nick one of em. lol The odds alone are staggering. Crissi

September 22, 2006
September 22, 2006

((Hugs)) Don’t cry, it was an accident!

September 22, 2006

I did that when Kate was a baby. It happens to a lot of mommies!! Don’t worry! Instead of clipping them – try filing them down. That seems to work better and you can’t cut him that way. That’s what I do with my son (he’s 9 weeks old)

September 22, 2006

Awww. It’s heartbreaking to Mommies when things like that happen but trust me, it happens to all of us in one way or another. Don’t worry you’ll get the hang of it and it will all be fine. I’m sure it hurt you much more than it ever could have hurt him.

October 2, 2006

we’ve all done it 🙁