Babyproofing, air conditioning, and other rambles

Well, our AC is finally fixed. The whole story on that: It went out on Wednesday and the maintenance guy finally showed up after our second call to the office. I’m not sure what the guy did, since at first he didn’t think he could fix it, but then he came back and did something, never told us what or even that he had fixed it, we discovered that on our own. But it went out again pretty quickly, and we didn’t get ahold of maintenance again until like, 7:30. Apparantly, when Jake had called the office again before they closed, they told the maintenance guy not to worry about it. Oh, I was NOT happy about that and I let them know that on Thursday!

A different guy showed up on Thursday and tried to say that the first guy had replaced the capacitor and the motor, which didn’t sound right because the first guy told us he didn’t have a motor for our kind of unit. Whatever. He did some stuff, and it worked for a bit, then cut out. Worked for a bit, then cut out. I had to go to the office anyway as we needed a copy of our lease, so I let them know that it still wasn’t fixed. The guy never showed back up, and when we finally got ahold of him Thursday night, he said there was nothing else they could do and they’d have to get a new unit for us.

Yet somehow, they were miraculously able to do something with it Friday morning while I was at the pediatrician’s with Noah, because when we came back we had  functional air conditioner and it was the same unit. Thankfully, it’s still working.

Anyway. On Thursday, we went to go look at Herrera’s place. We really like it, and we’re either going to try and get out of our lease early, or we’ll pay rent on both places for a couple of months but live in the other place, depending on which option will be cheaper for us. With Jake able to start doing off duty work next month, it won’t be a hardship on us to do that other than not having him around quite as much, but it’ll be worth it to get out of this place. No lie, it’s 12:30 a.m. right now and there are at least 15 people just sitting in my parking lot right now. Our new neighbors are really quiet, Jay (Herrera)says – one of them is a professor at one of the colleges over here, another is a teacher, and I don’t remember what the other neighbor does.

Noah had his nine month checkup yesterday. He currently weighs 22 pounds, 8 ounces, which is a 1 pound, 7 ounce gain from his 6 month checkup (though he was closer to seven months by the time we got him in). The ped pointed out to me on his chart that he’s right on the normal curve for breastfed babies, in how they shoot up rapidly in weight the first six months and are often charted in the higher percentiles, and then start tapering off and going down towards the 50% mark. They only measured him at 27 1/4 inches, but I’m not sure that’s accurate because he wasn’t really cooperating and when I tried to measure him the other night, I was getting closer to 29 inches. *shrug*

It’s also time to move his crib mattress down. We originally set it up with it at the highest position, since he’s not pulling up or anything really yet. Well, my baby boy has learned how to sit up all on his own from a laying down position.

I’ve also decided to do a bit of babyproofing at the new place. Now, I’m not big on babyproofing in general. I feel that children need to learn what is off limits not from being sheltered from those objects, but through guidance and redirection. Now of course, I’d never leave a chemical just laying around, I’m talking more about knick knacks and even outlets. Of course, if a particular thing/area was proving to be a problem, I’d take further steps to protect my child, but in general, I believe in trial and error. But the one thing that’s been on my mind lately is furniture. I know that our dressers, for example, can tip pretty easily. That is why in the new place, I’m going to anchor the furniture to the walls. That’s one area where trial and error could be just too dangerous to consider, you know? I’d never forgive myself if something tipped over onto Noah. I’ll take other measures when necessary, but for now, that’s my main concern.

I broke my sewing machine last night. Well, kind of. A piece on my bobbin case broke. I may or may not be able to find a replacement. I hope I can because I’d like to finish Noah’s crib set as soon as possible.

Anyway, I guess this is long enough. Hope everyone is well!



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June 23, 2007

I totally agree w/ you on the babyproofing. We didn’t really babyproof our house for our kids. We did what you said, just taught them right from wrong and what they can/can not do and it’s been just fine. Makes it much easier if they are taught that at home for when they are at someone else’s house that doesn’t have it babyproofed, just tell them no and it’s pretty much taken care of.

June 23, 2007

I have never really thought what I’d do with my kids. I just thought everyone nailed everything down when they had kids… Good to know there are options. 🙂

June 24, 2007

We never baby proofed either. 🙂

June 24, 2007

our air conditioner is a piece of crap! it’s been set on 60 and it’s registering 78-80 degrees in our place. so i finally e-mailed our apartment people, who have told me they “fixed it” before. garrr!!!

June 24, 2007

We’ve babyproofed certain things. Like for example, we have a gate to keep her from going up the stairs. She loves to get over there when I have my back turned for even one second and I don’t want her to get hurt. But other than that, I also believe in more guidance and redirection. They have to learn at some point to stay away. Better now than later. 🙂

June 24, 2007

Wow. Merika didn’t weigh 22 lbs until she was way into her second year. Nolyn, on the other hand, was right on track with Noah. Funny, the differences. M and N weigh pretty much the same now (N weighs 2 lbs more).

June 24, 2007

I agree with you on the trial and error thing… we’ve been trying to do the same thing with Jay. We’ve gone through a few bumps and bruises but he’s learning what “no” means and what is on and off limits. Glad everything else is good chica!

June 25, 2007