Baby shower *(p)

Ok, first of all, I do have pictures I need to share….from the race, and some more baby stuff. But they’ll have to wait till I get the rest of my packages this week.

Secondly….my mom is having a baby shower for me on June 10th. If anyone’s interested, it’ll be at her place, in Roanoke, VA. If you are interested, let me know so I can give her your address so she can send you an invitation.

Plenty more to say, but dinner’s just about ready. Though I would like to quickly say that I’m glad to see not everyone is so uptight over what OTHERS choose to do as far as parenting goes!!



Ok, so the pictures of the actual baby goodies will have to wait, but here’s a new belly picture and pics from the race to tide you over, lol.

That little bump poking out is NOT my belly button. It’s just the drawstring from my pajamas.

Oh, and since you guys already know I have this stuff…’s a couple of shots of the pack n play set up in our room….

That thing on the left, sticking up, is the changing table….

And the travel system….

We missed driver introductions, but we got to our seats just in time for me to snap a picture of Kasey’s truck coming down pit row, since they introduce them in reverse of their starting order….

Mark Martin’s pit….

Grr I wish Snapfish didn’t resize stuff the way it does, because this is a WAY closer shot than it looks…..meh. Anyway, Jeremy Mayfield’s pit.

Kasey in Turn 4.

Argh. This is a MUCH closer shot than it appears, too. Say hello to the spotters atop the tower, across the track!!


Lots more, but I’ll save some for later.


Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.




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May 22, 2006

Ran accross you on a random! We are about the same place in pregnancy… a few weeks apart anyway! And if I was having a boy, we were going to name him Noah! But we are having a girl… So yeah! Glad to see the mommies on OD!:)

May 22, 2006

Dammit, I wish we lived closer! 🙁

May 22, 2006

I wish it wasn’t on a Saturday! I always have to work Saturdays, but Roanoke is so close. Damn!

May 22, 2006

I wish I lived closer too!! 🙁 Hope dinner was good! 🙂

May 22, 2006

I’m about 5 hours away…I wish I was closer too! I’m so glad you’re going to have a shower!!!:)

May 22, 2006

Those are some nice pictures! I bet you wish you had an X-Ray camera for that picture of Kasey…

May 22, 2006

Love love love the travel system… and thats the same pack and play that I want! Cute belly too of course! 😉

May 22, 2006

Aw. You make me want to have a baby!

May 23, 2006

Great pics! =)

May 23, 2006

Awwww…now I want a baby! 🙂

RYN: Probably. You know some people are crazy like that and think people are horrible parents for giving their child formula *gasp* How horrible!

May 23, 2006

awww. such a cute belly!! take care,