Baby Shower *edit for pics*

Weekend was good. We left here about 6:30 on Friday night, and amazingly enough, we didn’t hit any traffic.

Saturday morning, mom and I showered and fixed breakfast and all that, and Danny and Marissa got there right after mom left to get the cake. After mom got back, her and Marissa set everything up (they wouldn’t let me help), and I installed Paint Shop Pro onto Mom’s and Pete’s computers.

What was hilarious was, I kept winning all of the games! First, Marissa had Pete, Danny, and Jake chug beer out of baby bottles. Danny won, but Marissa gave the prize to me, lol. I don’t think Danny really would have appreciated what he picked, anyway (Marissa had numbered bags)…it was Mary Kay makeup (Marissa is a consultant, and since it was mostly women there, that’s what most of the prizes were). Then, we tossed around a Beanie Baby as we named off baby items….and I won that, too, since you couldn’t repeat words, and there was a five second time limit….came down to me and Jake, and he gave up, lol. Got some cheek color for that one, AND I got to keep the Beanie Baby!! 🙂

Then there was a word scramble, and I actually had some difficulty with some of those words, but somehow still managed to get them all right first. More cheeck color for that one.

Then we played Baby Bingo, and I didn’t win anything there, but Danny won some nail polish and gave that to me, too.

We got a TON of stuff for Noah, too, though not a single thing off of our registry, though some things are close enough that I’ll just take them off of there….Danny and Marissa had THREE bags of stuff for us!!! They bought some outfits that we already have, though, so I’ll be going tomorrow to exchange them.

I’ll take some pictures tomorrow.

Oh, and Mom is letting me borrow this cool little vacuum cleaner she has….I can clean the bathroom and kitchen floors with it, too, and it’ll be perfect for the stairs, too.

AND we found out that Danny DIDN’T put in the paperwork to be able to come, he just went….eh, gotta love my brother. I doubt he’ll get into trouble or anything, though.

The guys all looked at my car, Danny found that this guard thing on the right front side was broken, and wondered if maybe that was part of my problem, so they took that off, but nope, no change. He suggested a couple of things we could do, though. Heh, now we just need money to be able to do it.

Anyhoo, that’s about all that’s going on around here.

Oh, but let me address one other thing, since I’ve been asked this numerous times……no, we don’t really have a theme for the nursery, since we don’t HAVE a nursery. First of all, Noah will be sleeping in our room for the first few months. After that, he’ll have to share a room with the computer and the guest bed…..we just don’t have the room for Noah to have his own room right now, and honestly, does a baby really need his own room before he can even walk? Not really… no…no nursery, no theme.

Ok. That covers it for now.

Ok, I’m bored, and not quite ready to go to bed yet, so I took pictures. We all know that’s why you all come here, anyway!!!

This was taken right before we left. Jake was changing out the litter box, and Riley thought he’d found himself a new hiding place…

Jake just chilling….

Mom, mid sentence…

Danny. I adore this picture, because it’s SO hard usually to get him to smile and/or be goofy for pictures.

Marissa. Her mom told her that that shirt makes her look pregnant, lol.

Jake drinking beer out of a bottle….priceless.


Hey look, it’s meeeee! Y’all haven’t seen my ugly mug in quite some time….My eyebrows look funny. That’s what happens when you can’t wax them!! And that’s the Beanie Baby I won!

The cake. The decorations are real toys that I kept for Noah. 🙂

Mom, Danny, and me. See what I mean about not smiling?


Ok, well, now we’re all just being cheesy.

Me and Jake. Man, I look huge. And that’s not even a maternity shirt. Just an extra large from the juniors department. Go figure!!

And…..the loot. I’ll be trying to exchange a lot of things tomorrow. It’s not that I’m ungrateful, because I’m VERY grateful, but we made registries for a reason. We don’t have room for random stuff. And honestly, a PINK bottle brush for a little boy? That’s just too….weird for me. Anyway….

And I HAD to take a picture of one of the bags from Danny and Riss…I’m definitely keeping it!!!

I’ll take some more detailed pictures tomorrow after I go on my exchange spree!

Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.




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June 11, 2006

Same for us.. no nursery, no theme. Although, we have been buying a lot of Winnie The Pooh stuff so I guess that is our overall theme. I am glad you had a good weekend. =)

*awaits pictures*

June 11, 2006

I’m not doing a theme either lol I don’t really like any of the possible “themes” hahaha Well, that & she doesn’t have a nursery either…plus we’ll be moving when she’s a few months old anyway so yea…she’ll probably just be in our room as well :o) After all, we are just going to want to stare at them all the time anyway! lol

June 12, 2006

I’m not doing a theme either. It just seems like such a waste. You managed to collect quite a bit of loot. Happy exchanging!

June 12, 2006

you look SO cute!! i love the shirt, it’s very flattering on you. take care,

June 12, 2006

You look adorable! And the beer out of a bottle cracks me up, really. You made off with some loot! Let us know how to get to your registry.

June 12, 2006

That bag… my SIL has a blanket for my nephew that is made from material that matches that.

June 12, 2006

You do look cute, and I love your shirt! 🙂 You guys got a lot of good stuff…there’s nothing wrong with exchanging anything, because you guys need to get what you want. Have fun!

June 12, 2006

Everything looks great! I’m glad that you had a good time!! 🙂

That cheesey picture is probably my fave! You look so cute!

do you really think it matter that the babies bottle brush is pink? YOu will go through SOOO many bottle brushes.