Asking for help

Alright, y’all.


I am seriously freaking out, and right now, you guys are my only hope.


Jake informed me today that the stupid bitch from the Department of Labor DIDN’T FILE THEIR PAPERWORK FOR THE VA MONEY.

As a recap: First, she didn’t show up until a month after she was supposed to, even after numerous other reschedulings. Now, a month after she finally did show up, we find out that she was too lazy to DO HER FUCKING JOB and didn’t file the paperwork.

Which means that we won’t be getting that money at the end of this month like I was guessing.

And we really need that money.

We are so broke that it is not even funny. This will be the second month I’ll have to pay our auto insurance with my credit card. I’ve been having to buy groceries with the credit card. It’s just not pretty.

I’d gladly cut off some of our bills if I could, but unfortunately, we’re in a contract for, well, pretty much everything.


So this is where you guys come in.

No, I’m not asking any of you directly for money. I would NEVER do that, and I know a lot of you are just as strapped for cash as we are.

What I AM asking is for you to go to my website. The very first link on the main page, in the left column, is for What I’m asking you to do is to send an email to a property. You don’t really have to be moving, obviously. But for every email sent using the link on my website, I get $10. Now, I’m not sure yet if they would credit me for multiple emails, I have to look into that one a little more. But if only 10 of you did this, that would be one hundred much needed dollars. And if you could maybe get some of your faves to do this, too…well, just imagine.

I hate asking for help. Absolutely hate it. But at least this way, no one is out anything themselves, other than the couple of minutes it would take to actually send the email and the few seconds it will take to delete the emails you’ll get in response, and I don’t owe anyone anything other than my gratitude.


Of course, you don’t HAVE to do this. But I thought I’d put it out there, as it would be much appreciated.


** I’ve had a couple of people ask, so I thought I’d throw this in here: You don’t need to actually mention my site in the email or anything. The link from my website is specially generated/coded so that I get credited for the lead. 🙂


Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.




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*off to check* – NavyMomma, not signed in

July 6, 2006

I’m broke too, but at least I’m not preg 🙁

July 6, 2006

I’ll do it!

July 6, 2006

Ack- I don’t see an “email” link. Do I say that you recommended me?

July 6, 2006

Hi. I found you on random and liked your ducky so, here I am. Kinda silly, huh? Anyway, as luck would have it I’m helping a friend look for an apartment to move into. Been meaning to check out anyway… So I’ll gladly use the link from your website and see if I can get you $10. 🙂 Good luck, and hang in there.

July 6, 2006

Absolutely. Anything specific I need to say?

July 6, 2006

Ok, done. 🙂

July 6, 2006

Done! Definitely let us know if they’ll accept multiple emails.

July 6, 2006

Stupid VA! Gee, I can’t wait to deal with them for the rest of our lives! Hopefully you should at least get backpay when the paperwork is filed, right?? I hope!

I did it too.

July 6, 2006

Ok I did it too… all I had to do was email a property right?

July 6, 2006

Honey, I really tried but the ads won’t show up on my computer. I’m too locked down on adware for them to even come up.

July 7, 2006

I happened to run into this entry, I had decided last weekend to move. So I did go to your site, and send 2 appartments for email/contact. Hope it helped.

July 11, 2006

E-mailed some apartment and bid on Ebay. Hope it helps!!

July 17, 2006

Yay I remembered (I’m at my mom’s waiting for her to get home.) More free money for you and something for me to do while I wait. Maybe I’ll go try on the other computer too.

July 18, 2006

I just tried to do that. Let me know if it worked! I might try doing it too!