
*sigh* This is why I don’t do these things anymore.

Nick, thanks for being my sole participant thus far. You made my day.


1. Did you make many friends in the Chair Force?

I did. Of course, now that I’m just a lowly civilian again, I’ve lost contact with a lot of them, but a lot of them meant the world to me and will never be forgotten.

2. If you had to, which NASCAR driver would you like to have sex with?

If I had to? You make it sound like torture!! Kasey Kahne. Was there any doubt in your mind as to how I’d answer that?

3. Is there any song that makes you cry whenever you hear it?

Ha! Just about everything these days – You ARE talking to emotional pregnant lady here. Ever hear the 9/11 Candlelight Remix of "Heaven" that DJ Sammy did? Automatic tearjerker. Go download it now if you haven’t heard it yet. That child will tug your heartstrings. "I carry a picture of us in my Blue’s Clues lunchbox"….if I haven’t started crying by the time that line comes around, I will immediately start bawling at that point. God, I’m about to cry just thinking about it.

4. What illegal drug would you like to try?

None, really. I’ve seen what they do to people, especially my dad, and it’s left me with no desire to even try any of it even once. It’s just not worth it.

5. All You Need is Love. True, or false?

False. Love is great, but it doesn’t pay the bills, ya know? And there are times when, regardless of how much you love someone, or of how much they love you, you can only depend on yourself.

6. How did you get started with FOD?

My bestest pal in the world, Meredith. She gave me the link to hers, and I decided that it was an excellent way for us to stay updated on each others’ lives. And here I am, three years later, with a whole crew of fabulous folks that read me, and whom I read, and have established connections with. Over half of my faves list consists of people that have been reading me almost from the very beginning. THAT’S loyalty right there.

7. What are some pet peeves about your husband?

He snores. And if he’s not snoring while he’s sleeping, he’s either breathing very loudly or breathing through his nose and making whistling noises that I just can’t seem to block out, even with a fan and an air purifier making noise. He also moves a lot when he sleeps, and moves so violently that he shakes the whole bed. He has woken me up out of  a sound sleep with this moving on more than one occasion.

I also can’t seem to get him to change the litter box until one of the cats decides it’s too nasty for their use and therefore shits on the floor. Very annoying for me, seeing as how the computer and the litter ox are in the same room. That’s why I haven’t been around too much the past few days – the smell is getting to me, so I’ve relocated downstairs and have been sucked into Final Fantasy VII for the millionth time. Maybe this time I’ll actually finish it after a gazillion hours of playing.

Sorry, got sidetracked. Umm…..oh. This one has really been getting on my nerves lately. He’ll say something funny, and I’ll laugh. He’ll take that as a cue to repeat this phrase a million times, even though it stopped being funny after the second or third time.

He also talks a lot while we’re watching TV. Without waiting for commercials. Thank god for the ability to rewind live television, eh?

8. Are you afraid of childbirth at all?

Absolutely terrified. I am the world’s biggest wuss. There is no question on whether or not I will be using pain relieving drugs. There’s also the matter of my mom wanting to be in the delivery room with me. Part of me wants her there, since she’s been there, done that, and can offer me tons of support that Jake can’t provide, but part of me only wants it to be me, Jake, and the doctors/nurses. It will be, after all, the most important moment of our lives, and I’m not sure how many people I really want to share that with.

Then of course, mom will also be hanging around afterwards, and that terrifies me because I’m afraid she’s going to tell me I’m doing everything all wrong. And I’m just going to want to be alone with Jake and the baby.

You’d better believe I’m afraid. For a million and one other reasons that I can’t even put into words right now.

9. Biggest regret?

Not being able to attend my grandfather’s funeral. It wasn’t MY fault… stepfather wouldn’t let mom spend the money on plane tickets and all that for me and my brother (we lived in SC, and even though grandpa and grandma had been living in Florida, he was buried in Iowa). But, still, I regret the fact that I never got that closure, never got the chance to say one more goodbye.

10. Do you think pads should have wings?

Umm…..quite honestly, I really don’t care, as I’m a tampon sort of girl myself.




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him have it, just to shut him up.

  • The reason he gave me for the split? He thought I was cheating on him. He never could handle the fact that I had a lot of male friends, and I guess it finally got to him.
  • I hurt over our split for a long time, though I didn’t really show it. When I came home from Basic Training for Christmas later that year, he wanted to see me. Ended up sleeping with him, which I found ironic, because he had a girlfriend (who, incidentally, is now his wife), and he had just done what he had accused me of doing so many months prior. After I went back to tech school, we talked constantly. Part of me still loved him deeply, and apparently, he felt the same, as he suggested trying to make things work again, thought that maybe all we had needed was a break. Obviously, we couldn’t make things work. We didn’t talk for a couple of years, and then his name popped up on my Classmates list. I went out on a limb and emailed him, and we’ve been emailing sporadically for the past year. A part of me will always hurt over this, I think. They do say that you never forget your first love.

    6. 3 OD people you’d love to be for a day?

    Oh gosh……honestly, I’d love to step in your shoes for a day. Not only because you have fabulous shoes, but I’d love to be able to pour out my creative energy as easily as you make it seem you do. And, your kiddos are adorable – who wouldn’t want to spend a day being their mommy?

    Erica. I’d gain a whole new level of understanding for the things she has to put up with (and shouldn’t have to!), and I’d then be better able to help her and be there for her.

    And…….the DM. So I could implement some much needed improvements around here.

    7. 3 quirks hubby has?

    He has this knack for remembering the craziest things. It might be some obscure history fact, might be a line from a movie – but he will always bust out with this stuff at the weirdest times.

    Uh…… the top of my head, I can’t think of anything else right now. It is five in the morning, after all. I’ll get back to you on this one.

    8. How do you feel about spanking kids?

    I think it should only be used as a last resort. There are much more effective ways of disciplining your child and teaching them that certain behaviors are not acceptable. Of course though, every child is different, and spanking might be the only way to get the message across. But I just don’t like the idea of striking a child in anger. That only instills fear and mistrust in them, in my opinion.

    9. What were you up to a year ago around this time?

    Anxiously awaiting Jake’s arrival home from his second deployment!

    10. And, randomly, thongs, boyshorts, bikini or bare down there?

    Used to be thongs, but over the past year and a half or so, I’ve been more comfortable in boyshorts and bikinis, especially here lately. I could never go bare – I’d be too paranoid of leaking anything, and as I mostly wear jeans, I imagine chafing would be kind of bad. Especially since, in a different sense, I already go bare down there.


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    March 23, 2006

    And if he’s not snoring while he’s sleeping, he’s either breathing very loudly or breathing through his nose and making whistling noises… He’ll take that as a cue to repeat this phrase a million times, even though it stopped being funny after the second or third time. It must be a man thing, the latter. As for the former… One of the most annoying things in the world, I believe. 🙂


    March 24, 2006

    Aww I missed that you put the question thing in your diary. ill go back and ask.

    March 24, 2006

    J.W. grinds his teeth in his sleep. Drives me absolutely crazy. Sorry I didn’t ask any questions, but I’m really not into that sort of thing. That’s why I usually don’t post those types of things on my diary either – if I’m not going to answer others’ questions, then what business do I have to ask for my own?

    March 24, 2006

    RYN: My appointment is Thurs the 30th at 11:45AM. Which would mean you’d have to leave the house at around 10AM, so I dunno if that’s too early for you. But if you would like to come, it would be wonderful!

    March 24, 2006

    i feel the exact same way about #8. give me the drugs, baby! and i’m also struggling with should i or shouldn’t i have my mom there? let me know if you find the right answer!

    March 25, 2006

    Worst friend in your life? Are you a Daddy’s girl or Momma’s lil helper?? What song lifts your depression? Painkiller of choice? Worst heartbreak, what happened? 3 OD people you’d love to be for a day? 3 quirks hubby has? How do you feel about spanking kids? What were you up to a year ago around this time? And, randomly, thongs, boyshorts, bikini or bare down there?