and so it goes.

First things first. A few of you asked about the crib. It’s from Target. But I decided to look elsewhere, as Kaci was right, and that particlar crib does not have a drop down side. I know that for awhile, the mattress will be high enough to where I wouldn’t need to use it anyway, but eventually, the mattress will have to be lowered, and I’m certainly not going to just drop my baby onto it! Short people like me are the reasons those things were invented, lol.

Secondly – stretch marks. A few of you addressed that as well. I know that for most women, they come with the territory of being pregnant and all. But, the majority of mine are not from the baby – not yet, anyway. They are simply from me being fat. There are a couple of new ones that I’ve developed over the past couple of weeks, and I hate them ’cause they’re HUGE. But I KNOW that those are from the baby…..I can’t even imagine what my stomach is going to look like ten weeks from now. Oy vey. Anyway, I’m a bit sensitive about them, and while I know my regular readers won’t laugh (especially seeing as how a large chunk of you are pregnant yourselves, or are already mothers), I certainly don’t want some random reader making comments, especially since I did open my diary back up to unsigned notes. Sure, I could just make a Faves Only entry….but that’s no fun!!

Anyway. Life is good. Especially considering that Kasey won today’s race and is now second in the points standings. Here’s hoping he keeps this up for the rest of the season!

We’re contemplating going to the race at Charlotte in October with JR and Louisa, and having my mom come down and watch the kids for us. Kids. I like the sound of that. Even if only one of them is mine for now!!

Can’t remember if I mentioned this or not, but I have to think of a new name for a girl. Jake has decided he doesn’t like Allyssa after all, and I’ve also realized that it is extremely popular right now. If this baby is indeed a girl, like I think it is (crossing my fingers that I’m right!), I don’t want her to have the same name as 5 other girls in her class. Off of the top of my head, I can only think of three other Stacy’s (with various spellings) that I’ve met in my life. One of them happened to be my best friend in first grade. However, my name isn’t so unusual that no one’s EVER heard of it, either. I want my kids to have names like that…not OVERLY popular, but not overly unusual, either. That’s why our son will never be a junior….WAY too many Jacobs running around. Anyway, it’s hard….we’ve more or less agreed on a name for a boy (though I have a few other names in mind, just in case), and I definitely know what the middle name will be for a girl…..the key is to find a first name that flows with the middle name AND the last name.

I’m still EXTREMELY pissed at Brandi for stealing Katelynn from us. Mostly because she KNEW we were planning on that, KNEW how much it meant to us….or more so, her brother, seeing as how it was a combination of their mom’s name (Kathy Lynn). Also because she’s not exactly doing any good by her mother’s memory, what with having cocaine in her system when she delivered and all. But also because it worked SO well with our last name and the middle name we’ve chosen. I have yet to find anything that flows that nicely, especially since we have a pretty unusual last name…..unless you live in NC, it’s actually kind of common here. I thought of using Katharine instead, and that way we could still incorporate the Kathy part, but I think Brandi plans on using Kate as a nickname, and I’d want to use Kate or Katie, and that would just get too confusing for the rest of the family. I’ve tried working with the Lynn part, such as Madilynn, but he didn’t like any of those names. So my last idea of incorporating SOME part of his mother’s name is to find something that at least starts with the letter K. Anyone else have suggestions?

Anyhoo, it’s late, and I should get to bed. I have mucho cleaning to do when I wake up.


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March 20, 2006

Hi there…hope you don’t mind me dropping a line here. I can sympathise with you about the stretchmarks…although none of mine are from pregnancy just weight gain….Cocoa Butter moisturiser is fabulous for fading them if used regularly.

^ -nods- Very true. You know – you get advice from EVERYONE when you’re pregnant, so I try hard to keep my mouth shut when I hear of ‘issues’ people are having. But you’ve watched my kid for me. You’re not a total stranger. ANYWAY. Stretchmarks. If anyone was a canidate for them, I was. Barely a hundred pounds and I gained over 60 pounds with Lillian. You know what I was told helped me?

(And you’ve seen my body. I don’t have any.) I put lotion on my body. Several times a day. That, and I took vitamin E pills, popped them open and put the stuff on the inside all over my stomach and thighs and boobs. It’s SO SO SO tedious, but it works. You get stretch marks because your body is stretching, but has no real MOISTURE. So if you keep the moisture and elasticity

there, you’re good for the most part. But that cocoa butter is GREAT as well. To me, my motta was (and IS) that there’s NO such thing as TOO much moisture on those areas when you’re pregnant.


March 21, 2006

I’m with Danielle – my mom was only about 110lbs when pregnant with me and used cocoa butter every single day, at least once a day, throughout the pregnancy. No stretch marks.

March 21, 2006

I can totally realate to how you feel about the whole stretch marks. It’s so disapointing looking in the mirror to find yet another one popping up. I have to keep reminding myself that it’s all apart of being pregnant and having a baby is what I wanted so I have to deal with it. I just hope they go away after my little girl comes. I like the name Kera. Spelt all different ways. Kerya, Kierya..

🙂 ^ Kiera was a name we had picked out if this was a girl.

March 21, 2006

Kara Lynn? Kiley? Kayla Lynn? I dunno…I hope those help. 🙂 Your stretch marks make you beautiful. 🙂 Ok, so I’m sensitive about them too, but it looks like you’re getting a lot of good advice about them, right?

March 21, 2006

Cocoa butter smells funny. <- thats my 2cents because i know nothing. ha ha! 🙂 GO KASEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY woot. Um and I received the other part of your bday present today to send out to you and they flippin spelt something wrong on it so i emailed them and theyre like oh sorry send it back adn we will send you new ones. jacksassesssss. :/ ill pretend that your bday is april 11th. *nod*

Stranger leaving note…but how about Kimberlynn, or Kimberlyn, etc….I also have a sister named Kalyn. It was a combinaiton of my mom and aunt’s names Kathy and Lynn. Kahlen is an alternate spelling. Good luck with the pregnancy.

March 21, 2006

I’ve heard of very few babies/ little girls named Allyssa. Katelynn, however, is extremely popular in this area. I don’t know . . . it’s hard to find names that aren’t just EVERYWHERE these days!

Stretch marks. hm. I’ve heard cocoa butter works. But I don’t know because I’ve never been pregnant. 🙂 *HUGS* I just thought about how many people are pregnant when you said how so many people are. I think that’s beautiful. 🙂