Alright already!!!

lol… guys are crazy!!! I was going to wait for my amnio results, so Cass and I could tell on the same day (she’s got her appointment the same day I should get ’em), but you guys are way too persistent….I can’t hold this for two weeks!!!! Sorry, Cass…….

But yes, as far as we can tell, we’ll be having ourselves a sweet baby boy.

And yes, I was a little disappointed, because I REALLY wanted a girl, but there’s always next time. I certainly don’t/won’t love my baby boy any less.

Jake sure is one proud papa. And his dad gloated that he was right.

Now….we need a name. I’m not completely sold on Noah. If we can’t find anything else we can agree on, then Noah Jacob it is, but……

Here’s MY list……

Aaron (which would be hilarious, because it’d be Jake’s name in reverse, only, he spells Aaron differently)

Alexander (Alex for short)

Andrew (Andy or Drew for short….this was the first name we had picked out before he tried to go all Hebrew on me)

Bradley (Brad for short)







Jason (two problems: double J name, and he has a cousin named Jason)

Jeremy (again with the double J)

Johnathan (darn double J….)

Joshua (same problems as Jason)

Justin (and the double J strikes again…..)



Kyle (only problem here is that it makes me think of Kyle Busch….yuck)


Lucas (Luke for short)


Nathan (Nate)








Timothy (Tim)

William (Will)


My top three? Andrew, Seth, and Lucas.





Make your Doodlebug predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.

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April 20, 2006

Now your little girl will have a big brother 🙂 Congratulations!

April 20, 2006

thank you for sharing!! how flipping exciting! i promise, you can find cute boy clothes, you just gotta not look at all the adorable girl clothes! he is gonna be perfect!

April 20, 2006

Woo-hoo!!! I kind of had a feeling, but I didn’t want to say anything sooner and disappoint you, LOL! I’m so happy for you guys! =)

April 20, 2006

Congrats!! When I saw that your colors had changed on your diary I knew it! 🙂

April 20, 2006

i like lucas, if he have a boy he’ll be named logan and then they can be lucas and logan…aww 🙂

April 20, 2006

if *we* have a boy, sorry

April 20, 2006

I like Noah and Lucas… cute! CONGRATS!!!!!!

April 20, 2006

aww congrats!!! i like andrew!

April 20, 2006

Congratulations!!! I’ve always been partial to Jeremy Andrew.

April 20, 2006

Yay! Congrats! Little boys are lots of fun too! 😉 I like your top three names….I’m sure that you will come up with the perfect name for him. Take care! ~Sabrina

April 20, 2006

Yay! Congrats!

That is awesome sweetie. I am so happy for you. *hugs*

April 20, 2006

I like a lot of the names you have picked. I really like Ethan and Brandon. 🙂

April 20, 2006

i’ve been a lurker for awhile, and you’re on my favs list. let me know if you mind or not. congrats on the baby boy! take care,

April 20, 2006

Tee hee, I like first noter’s spirit. 🙂 I’m glad for you!

April 20, 2006

Aw Congratulations! That is quite a list of names….I’m just guessing that Kenny would choose “Kenneth” LOL or as everyone refers to him as…..”The Kenny”

April 20, 2006

Congratulations!!! 🙂 I love your names, by the way. We have the same taste. 🙂 I’m partial to Aaron…gee, wonder why? Hahaha…

the lucas rang well with me

April 24, 2006

Congratulations Momma!

April 25, 2006

I like the name Andrew, it’s one of my twin brother’s name. 🙂 We have an Andrew and an Andre’ lol. I also like Joshua because that’s my husband’s name, lol. 🙂 Good Luck!

April 25, 2006

YAY! Still.. I’m happy for you! Ian, if you ask me.. =P