
I was REALLY hoping that this pregnancy would bring Jake and I closer together. I knew he had his doubts and worries about having a child right now, but it’s not exactly as if we planned it. Like everyone kept telling me, it just happened.

But he doesn’t seem the least bit excited about it. I tried to talk to him about it when he came to bed tonight, but that just ended up with me sobbing for a good half hour, and him saying that there aren’t any changes for him yet, and that he told me he wasn’t ready for this.

So here I am, unable to sleep because I have so damn many thoughts running through my head.


This is so damn hard for me. The one thing I’ve ever wanted, and I can’t even talk to him about it. And he’s the only human interaction I have anymore. Writing in here, talking to y’all on IM, and talking to my mom on the phone…it’s just not the same as being able to sit down and actually talk to someone. I was so damn desperate for human interaction that I suggested we go to Fayetteville this weekend to see JR and Louisa….and I love the girl, but y’all KNOW how much Louisa gets on my nerves sometimes!!! But, here we are still. He says he doesn’t know anyone either. Well, he may not be all buddy buddy with anyone yet, but at least he gets to interact with other people every day.


He’s got 32 weeks to get ready and to get excited about this. Like it or not, we ARE having a child, and he needs to accept that. I just wish he’d get excited NOW….this is something we’re supposed to be sharing together. I know there’s not much of a baby in there right now, but he can still be bonding with it…..and with me.


This is supposed to be the happiest time of my life. So why do I feel so shitty?



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February 4, 2006

I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way…do you think he’s scared? Also, pregnancy is a part of your body…you feel the effects all the time, so it might be so much more real to you than it is to him. He’ll come around, I’m sure, especially when he sees the ultrasound and you start bringing baby stuff home. I hope you feel better. 🙂

February 5, 2006


February 5, 2006

i am so in the same boat as you. its hard. but you just got to be patient. Hopefully god is working behind the scenes. you just have to keep praising through it all. I’m sorry… you may not be a christian… but if you aren’t…. well. Perservere. You will get through it. You bond with your baby, and maybe when you finally deliever, your baby will deliever his/her father. And maybe when… contd

February 5, 2006

maybe when he sees your belly grow he’ll start to get excited 🙂 Stay strong 🙂 And… If you were to come to Wilmington!!! I’d hang out with you *smiles* xxx

February 5, 2006

I’m sorry Stacy. It’s just so different for men. They don’t have that bond that we feel right away, and they don’t get all starry-eyed over babies like we do. They can’t feel the changes that are going on, and you know how men are – they need to be hit over the heads with something until they understand it. Jake will come around and start to get more excited as time goes on. J.W. was the

February 5, 2006

like that to a degree when I’d find out I was pregnant. He comes around quickly, but I think that’s because we’ve had so much trouble. It changes your perspective a bit.

February 5, 2006

*Hugs* It’s going to take him a little while to come around. He will. I know it. Once you start showing and he can feel the baby kick, that will really open his eyes.

February 5, 2006

It’s such a big change, I’m sure he just hasn’t taken it all in yet. It will change once it really hits him.

February 5, 2006

I know how you feel. When I found out I was pregnant I was scared to tell Josh because I know it wouldn’t fit in his “plan” for life. But, he did finally get over it and is really starting to get excited about it. Just give him time, it took my husband a long time also. 🙂 Keep your head up and don’t stress yourself…