Almost ready

Well, it’s tax free weekend here in NC, so I braved the heat and made a trip to the store this morning….Target was having a sale on diapers, and diapers are included in items that are tax free (too bad EVERYTHING isn’t tax free!!), so I picked up a couple of packages, as well as some wipes, baby wash, lotion, diaper rash cream, nursing pads….and a few things that I’ll need to pack for my hospital bag. I need to get those bags put together soon….can you believe I’ll be 34 weeks tomorrow?

I talked to my mom last night, and it seems that Marissa may be coming with her when I go into labor. She hasn’t found a job yet, so if I can give them a little advance notice (like say, I go to the doctor and she says I’m X% effaced/X cm dilated), then Marissa will drive out to Mom’s, and then when I call Mom to let her know that I’m on my way to the hospital, they’ll drive down here together. I have mixed feelings about this one. On the one hand, it’s nice that they both want to be here, but on the other… I really need a full house like that right away? Eh, if I get too frustrated with having them around I can always tell them to go home.

I’ve been going into nesting mode again. Did a lot of cleaning yesterday….but I’m paying for it today, that’s for sure!! But, eh, I have a clean house (it’s amazing how quickly Jake can destroy it), and I’m caught up on my laundry…..I even have all of Noah’s things washed, except for his blankets. I need to decide which blankets are going to the hospital with us….I know they have blankets there for me to use and all, but I want Noah to spend some time in one of his own so that Jake can bring it home and let the kitties get used to his smell before we bring Noah himself home.

I don’t know if it’s just this darn heat wave or what, but I have been craving ice lately. I am constantly munching on the ice out of my drinks. Did I mention that we’ve stopped buying soda? I haven’t bought any in weeks now….I just constantly make pitchers of sweet tea and lemonade. And I do mean constantly – I’m making a new pitcher of one or the other almost every other day, sometimes every day! Mostly the tea, because it’s cheaper to buy a big box of tea bags and a couple of bags of sugar than it is to constantly be buying jars of lemonade mix. But both are still cheaper than buying a bunch of soda. It’s been very beneficial to both of us to cut out so much soda, though – we’re both sleeping better. Well, he is…..I still have to get up every hour or so to go to the bathroom, but I have found it much easier to fall asleep and my sleep has been more restful, so I’m not getting as tired during the day.

Anyway. Since I’m taking it easy today, I’m off to make some new blinkies. Haven’t really done that in awhile, and I have a couple of series of blinkies that I want to make.


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August 4, 2006

I have Addison’s hospital bag packed now I need to pack mine. We’re going to Wal-Mart tonight to go grocery shopping so I am going to pick up those things that I need like my toiletries, etc… I can’t believe we’re almost done, Stace!!! It’s crazy!!!

August 4, 2006

An ice craving usually means an iron deficiency in the preggies. Try eating something with tons of iron in it, and I bet the ice craving goes away…unless you are craving ice becuase it’s really effing hot, then ICE away!

August 4, 2006

wow 34 weeks getting close!

August 4, 2006

I love tea, do you have an iced tea maker? I love that thing. It’s just a pain to sweeten though. We have a tax free weekend here too. I need to shop!

August 4, 2006

Craving ice usually means iron deficiency…. have your doctor check that soon so they can get you on iron tablets if thats the case. Anyway, just a lil info for ya! 🙂 Anyway, glad everything else is ok… we’re almost done!!!!!!! 😉

August 5, 2006

I did that about 2 years ago.. pretty much stopped drinking soda, i do every once in a while, but that’s like once a month or something. It does help alot.