Ack!! *

Well, this is lovely.


We have to reformat the desktop computer. There’s something messed up and it won’t let me reinstall our Norton Internet Security. Not to mention that we’ve only had use of half of our hard drive because Jake partitioned it weird so that he could have Linux on here, too….but he took that off a long time ago. Not that THAT part matters, because well, we have a 300GB hard drive anyway, and even with only being able to use half of it, I still have like, 80% free space, even with the oodles of junk I have on here.

But man….it is such a pain to reformat, because now I have to get everything burned on to CDs that I don’t want to lose. And that is a LOT of stuff, my friends.

I actually have to go buy a new copy of Norton, though. The one we have came with one of the driver discs for some of our hardware, and Jake didn’t write down the registration number or whatever, so we’re kinda screwed there. Yay, another $70 we don’t have…..but I’ve been paranoid as hell, not having any sort of anti virus program on here.


Well, now it’s Thursday morning, and once again, I STILL haven’t gone to bed. I’m actually going to try and stay up all day though, so that I can go to bed at a decent time tonight and attempt to get myself on a normal sleep cycle again. We’ll see how that works out….


Poor Riley has something wrong with his urinary tract, I think. A couple of weeks ago, we noticed that one of the cats peed on the mushroom chair….we didn’t think too much of it, even though that’s the first time anything like that has happened. But over the past few days, we’ve noticed that Riley is CONSTANTLY in the litter box, and I noticed this morning that he was making these weird growling noises sometimes when he was in there, almost like he was in pain…..AND he peed in the box we kept from Jake’s boots (the cats love to play with it)……poor guy. So I need to go to PetSmart and get some stuff for him, and I’m praying that it’ll do the trick because we can’t afford to take him to the vet right now. In the 2 1/2 years that we’ve had Riley, this is the first time he’s ever been sick or anything.


Anyway. Must do stuff to keep myself occupied. I am SO tempted to go crawl into bed, though…..Much as I want to, I highly doubt I’m gonna make it through the day with no sleep.


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June 28, 2006

I know what you mean and it is a huge pain in the butt. I still have to make all the recovery discs for my new computer. RYNs: I love the bay window too. We get so much natural light that we don’t need any lights at all until it gets dark out which is nice. I just need to get window treatments for it. And just let me know what you still need when you figure that out or I’ll go look at your

June 28, 2006


June 28, 2006

Yuck. We need to go out and buy Norton too, none of our computers are currently protected. Whoops. Oh well. 🙂

June 28, 2006

RYN: We got that desk (Providing you’re talking about the taller one) at Staples. The short desk we got for free from Target. They ordered them, didn’t like them, and were going to throw them out, so we got one for us, and one for my brother in law. 🙂

June 28, 2006

Yikes… that doesn’t sound like fun. That’s the only reason I would want to get a DVD burner… less disks.

June 29, 2006

I found you on random and happened to notice the part about your cat. My cat had the same thing, his turned out to be just like a urinary tract infection but he had to go to the vet for medication and he has to be on a special prescription food for the rest of his life to treat it. The fear is that they will develop a blockage in their urinary tract & it can be deadly! (Cont.)

June 29, 2006

I would at least call a vet about it. =)

June 29, 2006

make sure that there is constantly fresh water available for him to drink. my cat was always put on antibiotics for her UTIs and another drug called *runs to check the bottle* Methionine. It is kind of expensive too. And not that hse has had 3 in a row she is on special low pH food that we have to buy at the vets but she has been sick several times, she was the runt of the liter. good luck

June 29, 2006

I’m sorry about the kitty. I hope he’s okay! And just an FYI, I just read an article that they have recovered the stolen computer with all of the VA info.