A little of this….(p)

Yikes,,,,,I’m 31 weeks pregnant!! Where in the heck has the time gone??????? In just about two months, I’ll be holding my little boy!! You guys have no idea how excited Jake and I are. Well…ok, actually, most of you do because you’re mommies already, or are about to be mommies, too!


I made chocolate chip cookies yesterday. And they’re almost gone already. Whoever decided that the Toll House recipe makes 5 dozen cookies is a moron……

Thanks to the efforts of you folks, I’ve got $91 worth of commissions pending transfer to my bank account. You guys rock and I love you!!! I added a bunch of new links yesterday that I’m excited about, I spent a lot of time trying to find things that people wouldn’t have to purchase anything for. But, out of curiosity, where do you guys shop online? I want to have links for stores that people are actually interested in, just in case they happen to remember me the next time they go to make a purchase there. 🙂 And I’d love to know if you guys have any ideas for some other sections I could add to the site.

Another thing that’s going to help…..City Council approved a 3% raise for the cops, and that took effect with the paycheck Jake got yesterday. Comes out to about $13 more a paycheck (take home pay, anyway). Not a WHOLE lot, but, every little bit helps. And he should be getting at least one more raise in the next few months…..they’ve heard conflicting stories on that one, so we’re not sure what the deal is.


Daddy and the crew are supposed to be here on Thursday. Jake said they’re thinking about leaving Katelyn with someone, but dangit, I want them to bring her!! It’s not like I can do anything when we take them to Carowinds, so taking care of her would keep me from being bored to tears while everyone else is having fun.

Ummm…..other than that, there’s not a whole lot going on here.

But hey, just for you guys….peectures!!!

Here’s me like, two minutes ago. I am getting freaking huge. But I still haven’t had to make those pants bigger (those are the maternity khakis I bought months ago, they have adjustable side panels).

And Kasey and Riley. They both love that box so much that we STILL have it. Normally they get sick of a box after a couple of days, but not this one!


Anyone have any picture requests? Anyone want to ask me some questions? I’m bored, folks……


Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.

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July 15, 2006

Cute cute cute!!! Love the belly! Glad everything else is going ok and that the finances are getting worked out. I hate money problems… so stressful! 😛


July 15, 2006

How close are you and Cassie’s due dates?

July 15, 2006

3% raise? Reminds you of your Air Force days, eh?

July 15, 2006

Awe I love the pics!

July 15, 2006

Aww cute kitties 🙂 Happy for hubby’s raise for you

July 15, 2006

That’s so cute, almost as if you planned it! One’s a girl and a boy, they should get married! LOL!

July 15, 2006

love the belly pic

July 15, 2006

Wow, I can’t believe you’re due so soon! I’ll have to make a trip out to Charlotte after he’s here!

July 15, 2006

Congratulations on your baby’s near arrival. I feel like I may never get to 31 weeks! Cute baby belly, too. Best of luck and God bless 🙂

July 15, 2006

Aw I’m so excited for you guys. That looks like a very good box, I can see why they like it 🙂 Yay for the raise. Have you found out if multiple emails will work? Should I try it again and see?

July 15, 2006

your belly is so cute! and i love those pants; they look really comfy. take care,

July 15, 2006

You look great!!! =) Peanut and Tweek love boxes. Peanut more so than Tweek. She has to climb in every one and smell it and play in it. lol.

July 15, 2006

ryn: Oh well, next time I’m at my mom’s I’ll try to remember to email again.

July 15, 2006


July 16, 2006

RYN: I know what you’re saying about some of those women’s bellies, I’ve seen them too! I must admit I could look WAY worse. I have big, stupid hips too. Always have. Even when I was really small my hips were still pretty big. Now that I’ve had a baby I doubt they’ll ever be as small as I’d like. That’s I’m ok with though. I don’t love it, but I’m ok with it lol

July 16, 2006

lol My cats love boxes too…I can’t figure it out…..they have warm comfy blankets but choose those boring boxes any day!

July 17, 2006

I love your belly! I hope that didn’t sound weird, I just think it’s cute. 🙂

July 21, 2006

OMG STACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeee look how pregnant you are! 🙂 BABY BELLY! makes me smile REAL big!