7 weeks *


Eh, screw it. Don’t feel like writing a whole separate entry.


So Jake and I had a pretty quiet weekend. We ended up going to Best Buy Saturday night because apparently, our DVD player is broke. He was trying to watch some more episodes of The West Wing, and he said it kept getting stuck at the load screen….he even tried a couple of our other movies, but no dice. Lovely. These things always happen when you’re broke, right?

He wanted to get one that can record DVDs, but I like having the DVD/VCR combo because we do have some VHS tapes, and I was planning on taking my camcorder tapes and transferring them to VHS….of course, with a DVD recorder, I could transfer them to DVD instead (duh!), but what about the other VHS tapes? The DVD/VCR combos that allow DVD recording are awfully expensive……so we ended up not getting anything. We were going to go out to Wal Mart and Target yesterday to do some comparison shopping, but I wasn’t feeling very good. I’ve been really nauseous lately, I still haven’t actually thrown up or anything, but I’m dry heaving a lot.

But while we were at Best Buy, he decided to buy me a new computer game….The Movies. Ever heard of it? You basically build and run your own movie studio. Sounds boring when I put it that way, but I was playing for eight hours straight last night (it actually has a timer thing and it tells you that when you save!)….I quit for a little bit, and then ended up playing for like another three hours. I don’t even think I’ve played The Sims for such a long period of time!

Oh, and I rearranged the spare bedroom a bit. I took my scrapbooking stuff out of the closet and put it all next to the desk, and moved the cats’ litter box into the closet so I wouldn’t have to smell it sitting right next to me……I also did a little bit of work to the Kahne corner, I’ll try to take some pictures later.

And that’s about the extent of my weekend, nothing exciting. If I can drag myself away from the computer sometime this week, I do have cleaning and stuff to do, but that stuff is never ending anyway…….ugh.

Hope you guys had a good weekend!

Yikes…..I got so caught up in playing my new game last night that I forgot to post this!! (Not like any of y’all really care, but eh……don’t read it if you don’t want to!!!)


I’ll try to write a real entry later.



 How your baby’s growing: Your baby still appears to have a small tail (actually, it’s an extension of his tailbone), which will disappear in the next few weeks. But that’s the only thing getting smaller. Now almost half an inch long — roughly the size of a raspberry — he has elbow joints and distinct, slightly webbed fingers and toes. In his oversized head, both hemispheres of his brain are developing. His teeth and the inside of his mouth are forming, and his ears continue to develop. Eyelid folds partially cover his tiny peepers, which already have some color, and the tip of that nose you’ll be tweaking someday is emerging. His skin is paper-thin and his veins are clearly visible.

Your little one also has an appendix and a pancreas, which will eventually produce the hormone insulin to aid in digestion. His liver is busy producing red blood cells, and a loop of your baby’s growing intestines is bulging into his umbilical cord, which now has distinct blood vessels to carry oxygen and nutrients to and from his tiny body. You can’t feel his gyrations yet, but your baby is like a little jumping bean, moving in fits and starts around his watery home.

* Note: Experts say every baby develops differently — even in the womb. This developmental information is designed to give you a general idea of how your baby is growing.

How your life’s changing: You’re in the throes of the first trimester, when many women suffer from common pregnancy woes. Keeping food down may be next to impossible, thanks to morning (noon, and night) sickness, caused in part by the pregnancy hormones coursing through your body. Stash a box of crackers next to your bed, and eat a few to curb the nausea before getting up. (Not all pregnant women have morning sickness, so don’t worry if you’ve been spared — you’re one of the lucky few!) You may also need to use the bathroom a lot more often than usual — your blood volume increases dramatically when you get pregnant, which leads to a lot of extra fluid getting processed through your kidneys and ending up in your bladder. The nausea should fade as your pregnancy continues, though you may continue to make frequent trips to the bathroom.

If you haven’t already, now’s the time to choose an ob-gyn or midwife. Most practitioners won’t want to see you right away unless you have a serious medical condition or you’re having problems like vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, or severe nausea and vomiting. They’ll probably schedule you to come in once you’re between eight and 12 weeks pregnant. At your first visit, your doctor or midwife will go over your family health history, do some routine blood tests, and answer any questions you might have.

Pregnancy tip: Quelling nausea "For a natural morning sickness remedy, try nibbling on cucumbers soaked in water. Trust me, it does help." — Kimm


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January 30, 2006

ryn: not sure. something fun… but i think ill just leave my cat for now. or not. i dont freakin know. lol 🙂 poo about your dvd player!

January 30, 2006

der, i came over here to say HA HA about perkins, because i thought of you when i was writing it in there. muahhahahahaha *runs away*

January 30, 2006

Mmm…dry heaving. Yuck. Congrats on 7wk – now you’re more than halfway through the first trimester!

hey! I dunno if you know this or not, but you’re defintely NOT supposed to be changing cat litter while you’re pregnant, especially the early stages.:) Something about the feces. Look it up? 🙂 In the meantime, make Jake deal witht those things.:) ( i know you dind’t say you were changing cat litter, that you were moving the box..but i thought i’d tel you before i forgot!) 🙂