:( *

Jake and JR are at the race, and I’m here at home.

They went and found one of those "I Need Tickets" people…..they’re sitting somewhere in Turn 1.

It’s a good thing I didn’t go, though….I’m not sure I would have even made it to the track. They parked a good mile and a half away from the track itself.

But hey, Jake said he’ll bring me back some new stickers for my car. 🙂


I’m just sad ’cause this is the first race that we haven’t BOTH gone to.

And because I’m home alone with nothing but the TV, computer, and kitties for company.

Eh. Such is life.

Just my fucking luck.

The ONE fucking race I don’t go to that I could have gone to, and Kasey has to freaking win.

Needless to say, I am fucking pissed.

Eh, well, at least I don’t have to listen to them go on and on about LMS being "Jimmie’s House".



Make your Noah predictions here!

You can also make guesses at ExpectNet. If the link doesn’t work, the game name is DoodlebugM.




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May 28, 2006

I’m sorry you’re not feeling good and had to miss the race, that sucks!

May 29, 2006

Hm, sounds like what I usually do in the evenings.. =/

May 29, 2006

Awww… that sucks!

May 30, 2006

right?! I was like DAMN, I was there last year. poo. 🙁

May 31, 2006

i went to that race!! i’m sooo glad kasey won – actually my motto was anyone but jimmie lol…but my fiance predicted kasey would win it during the daytona 500 so i was so happy for him! go kasey!!! did you know he lives about 10 minutes away from me? 🙂

May 31, 2006

^ that sounds confusing. as matt & i were watching the 500 he said “mark my words right now, kasey kahne will win the coca cola 600 – that’s my prediction”. i can’t believe he was right!!