The things I think about the election…

Well hey there folks. 

There’s a few things that have been kicking around my brains that I wanted to get out.  First, I like to jump around a little from time to time and read other people’s diaries.  It’s nice to get a fresh perspective so I random a lot.  There’s this one woman that I still read, because I do like her, yet there’s a few things about her I can’t tolerate.  I don’t know how to explain it- I know she means well but her self-righteousness really irritates me as well.  On one hand I think she’s a good person, but on the other, I think she has ‘mommy syndrome’ about everything.  (mommy syndrome being that once you pop out a kid, suddenly phrases don’t come out like "Well, I think it’s like this…" and suddenly start coming out "It’s like this.  I won’t hear otherwise.  I’m a mom, I should know."  …about everything related and unrelated to children).

1.) Firstly, as I’ve said before, having a child doesn’t make you smarter.  You didn’t become a genius by getting knocked up.  You didn’t suddenly acquire some mysterious wisdom the second  you shot out the equivalent of a roasting chicken from your vagina.  So, the mommy syndrome attitude irritates me- greatly in fact.  Suddenly you’re a medical expert?  Suddenly you have done years of testing and research studying the intricacies of every constituent of that vaccination you’ve decided to not give your innocent child?   Wow- and here I thought all you did was get laid.  My bad- I apologize.  You must do your best thinking on your back.

2.) People who do not immunize their children fail do so out of fear and ignorance.  It is not an intelligent decision, and cannot logically be an intelligent decision because the percentage of doctors and researchers who actually have the requisite knowledge in order to make that intelligent and well-informed decision do not comprise any quantifying percentage of the  reproductive population.  QED.   It’s simple- parents cannot control what they fear might happen after they allow a doctor to administer an immunization, but they can control the doctor from doing it.  So, rather than than taking what they perceive as ‘risk’ they just avoid the conflict entirely and put their heads in the sand.  Nut up, and protect your kid.  Immunizations only work if the greater percentage of the population participates, so if you choose not to immunize you are making the decision that you don’t give a shit about polio not just for your innocent kid, but for every innocent kid your kid comes in contact with.  That shouldn’t be up to you.  

3.)  People in america should have the right to homeschool their children.  If, that is, they can prove that they can competently teach all grade levels to those children such that the innocent child who didn’t make this choice, still has the same potential to enter college as any public-school taught child.  I think homeschooling is a wonderful thing- I really do.  The friends I have that were homeschooled were always…  kinder.  Gentler.  They hadn’t been raised in the same environment and so they didn’t act the same- for sure.  Sarcasm was sort of a lost form of humor.  Cruelty was unknown to them.  That being said, I know of at least one person who I think is a fantastically awesome person because of the way she was raised- and that was homeschooled.  The flip side of course- both her parents attended and graduated from Brown.  Yes, THIS MAKES A DIFFERENCE.  No, you cannot teach high-school well if you’ve only just graduated from high-school yourself.  If you don’t have a college education and you’re trying to homeschool past a 5th grade level, you are not doing right by your child.   You are stunting their education- let go.


Different day, same complaints I suppose.  I guess it just irritates me that these tiny people with no choice have uneducated parents making these decisions for them.  


How is it, in this day and age in America that you can’t drink until you’re 21 but you can have as many children as you can physically pop out?   You can get arrested for having a sip of beer, but it’s totally ok to get pregnant and bring tiny people you can’t take care of into the world.  It stuns me.   Innocent kids not asking to be brought into this world by a 14 year old child- who is suddenly an expert and has all the rights to decide to homeschool them and not immunize them.  Just… how?  

There aren’t stipulations to the parents homeschooling.  Seriously.  If you are 14 and the legal guardian of your baby you have the right to decide to homeschool them.  Yourself.  Stunning. 


Better yet, how in this election are we even considering the ludicrous republican party now trying to not only ban abortion, but stop funding for contraception?  Gee Suzy, I know you’re only 14 and you never took Health class because you were HOMESCHOOLED by a mother who had an 8th grade education but you’ll have to carry that baby to term.  Oh, and be sure to make all of its life decisions.  That’s up to you.  Now go watch some cartoons and I’ll bring you your prenatal vitamins.  



 And who are the people who can’t afford contraception now?  The very poor and the very young.  Who are the people who shouldn’t be having children they can’t raise?  The poor and the young.  If you’re not financially able to support yourself you cannot support a child, you shouldn’t be having kids.  BOOM.  Too bad if we vote republican, you won’t be able to afford the contraception that was preventing you from reproducing.   Speaking of finances, think of the enormous toll on the US economy millions of unwanted babies and the medical bills to carry them to term and deliver them will take on us all.  The economy and the reproduction of the citizens of that economy are irrevocably linked- can no one see this?  Argh… 







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Well said. I feel very strongly about vaccinating and think it’s horribly irresponsible and selfish when parents don’t. Even if their child is healthy and is able to live through one of the dreaded diseases that we vaccinate for, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t sitting next to an immune-compromised child on the playground or at school. An illness like that could and very often does kill a childwho is going through chemo. When my son was offered the Gardasil vaccine, I allowed him to make the choice but I encouraged it. My son would never die of cervical cancer, so I could have been selfish and said I don’t want to take a risk. Too bad if he becomes a carrier and infects every woman he sleeps with in his lifetime. Buyer beware. But I’m more responsible than that. I care about the human race as a whole, not just my own offspring. When I put the decision to my son, he basically mirrored my unspoken feelings. He said he’d be afraid he’d end up killing his future wife some day. Another woman who was on readers choice said that vaccinating your children for chicken pox is “just silly”. Yeah, I just got over shingles and I’m ecstatic that my kids will never get that

horrible illness because I loved them enough to get them vaccinated. That was actually my first thought when I was diagnosed. We are going to have an epidemic of one of the big 6 soon because of these idiots who don’t vaccinate. My kids will be safe but I’m sure these will be the same people crying that it’s a government drug warfare experiment when their kid dies from diptheria or something.Crazy is as crazy does.

Fucking annoys me when people say ‘you don’t have kids without wouldn’t understand’ ahhhh would love to say ‘go fuck yourself’. Dies this mean I’ll all of a suede become wise once my baby is born in November? Lol

And that is sudden not suede!