
So this is just a quick shortie.  V-day was pretty good- I panicked last minute and bought probably too much- he got me a nice dress, some magnetic letters, a bunch of lavender bath supplies, some chocolates, and a card.  I got him a moss terrarium, a fountain for his desk, made him some chocolate – mint truffles (he loved those btw) and a few card games.    

If anyone is interested, the game Spot It is amazing- and by amazing, I mean it’s addictive and probably the best party game you will ever play with friends. It’s vicious, you’ll start sweating and twitching… totally awesome.  And annoying.  Play it.  



In other news, we are also hoping to have a trip soon.  I want to go somewhere warm.  Bahamas?  We live in new england so Hawaii is sort of out of the way- anyone have any good suggestions for where to go?


Work-out wise I’m actually kicking ass.  I started doing my Jillian Michaels Making the Cut again- holy shit.  Fuck the gym.  It’s only been like 2 weeks and i’m almost bikini ready-  she’s one crazy bitch but she kicks my ass good.  Haven’t lost a ton of weight- but I really only have 15 to lose – but I look way more toned and I have just less.. chunk around the midsection?  My legs taper more nicely…  I’m really looking to get rid of any hint of belly and that weird back area that your brastrap cuts into and looks weird.  



And how annoying are these targeted ads?  I shop for my bf for v-day and then can’t let him use the computer for the next week because everywhere I go they’ve now posted ads for everything I’ve looked at.  Incredible.  Well, incredibly fucking annoying.  And useless in my opinion.  I don’t need a reminder of what I’ve been shopping for.  I was THERE.  



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Come to Australia – it’s summer here so it’s bloody hot!!! Lol

St John’s is nice. I haven’t been there but at least 3 people have told me I have to go, so it must be good.