I promise not to become one of ‘those’ people…

Ok.  I swear I will not become one of those people who only talks angrily about politics in their diary.  Promise.  Pinky swear.  But this particular rant is in regards to the DREAM bill that just got shot down in the Senate.  More specifically, in relation to this article: 


I’d really REALLY like to hear someone else’s opinion on this bill, and illegal immigrants coming from south of the border.  The following is the comment I left on the article, and I really do encourage ANYONE to let me know their opinion.  I don’t care if it’s incredibly different- I’d like to hear other opinions- I welcome them.  I’m incredibly interested in this issue simply because, I married a foreigner and I’m familiar with the immigration process.  And let me tell you- even when its marriage- it’s not easy, and it’s not cheap.



Color and culture aside, unless you’re an american Indian, you’re an immigrant. Plain and simple, inarguable, fact. We aren’t ‘legal’ immigrants either- we came, we razed villages and took over an indigenous people. Legality wasn’t exactly a concern back then, so point of fact- we are all illegal aliens here. Shush now.

‘Do it the right way!’ What way is that, I ask you? Have you studied closely an application for resident alien status? Under reasons for application, there is no checkbox for "I hate where I live now." You must have a valid reason for applying, or your application gets scrapped. A reason like having family here, or being married to a US citizen. Unless you have a relative here, or a degree that is high or obscure enough to warrant the US government thinking you’d be an asset to the country based on education, you can’t fill out paperwork to come here ‘The right way.’ Doesn’t exist. Please stop this argument.

This bill is a sore spot for most Americans because of the recession- "Where are all the jobs!?" "Curse those illegal immigrants for taking our jobs!" Show me an American who will pick fruit or scrub toilets for $3/hr and I’ll show you my most shocked face. There are plenty of jobs out there- but few Americans willing to work beneath their paygrade, or even minimum wage.

Have you ever bought produce in a foreign country that HAS secured its borders? Let me tell you- in the UK you pay about $3 for an apple for a reason. Do they employ immigrant workers for produce production and distribution? Nope. And their citizens pay for it. We look the other way when its time to bring out the wallet in the grocery checkout, but we’re incredibly quick to judge when bills like this come around. Why do you think fresh food is so inexpensive here? In all reality, without illegal workers, our produce prices would most likely double, at minimum. Plain and simple.

Examine closely the stipulations of this bill. 2 years in the military, or college. Many of you talk of the immigrants who could benefit from this bill as ungrateful mexicans who don’t bother speaking the language or integrating into the culture. How could a student gain acceptance to a university without demonstrating english proficiency? Look at any college application- if your first spoken language isn’t english you are required to show english proficiency. Plain and simple. And if an illegal immigrant is willing to spend two years in the US military, I don’t care what language he/she speaks- they’re an American in my book. How do you think

most Iirish immigrants became US citizens way back when? Enrollment in the Army- right off the boat. Fight for your country, son. I see very little anger or racism directed at the Irish- they served this country and were integrated accordingly. It seems unfair not to offer the same to another culture.

"This country is bleeding money to these immigrants!" We need to stop saying this- it makes the upper class smile. I encourage anyone here to look at the wealth distribution in the US. The richest 20% have 85% of the wealth. FACT. What does it mean in context to this issue? The jobs and wealth in the US we’re fighting over in this issue are much less than 5% of our total wealth as a nation. Even if say, tomorrow, we kicked out every single illegal immigrant and gave those jobs to Americans who actually wanted to work those jobs (tough sell)- our wealth as a nation wouldn’t even hiccup. I encourage anyone to take a hard look at this simple, yet mind shattering article:



You want to fix our economy for real? Stop squabbling over 1% of the wealth. It makes the middle to lower class look like they can easily fall for a bait and switch. We’re down here fighting for a fraction of our nation’s wealth, while the upper class buys new cars and laughs at us. You want to fight and argue about racism and this bill? Fine. Whether this bill passes or not, I see very few Americans willing to take lower than minimum wage jobs, or willing to pay the difference in price for produce produced by people finally getting at least minimum wage. The fighting on this issue needs to stop- stop making this your pet project and focus on a bigger picture, Americans.








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You need to make thhis entry public so I can nominate it for reader’s choice. You echo my thoughts, exactly. I used to work in horticulture/agriculture. Here, those companies actually pay minimum wage or slightly higher but still have trouble finding American citizens to work for them. If they hire an immigrant for minimum wage they are the most loyal, hard working employee you can find because its so much more than they’d earn in their country of origin. The attitude is that hard, back breaking, work is beneath Americans. Yet they are all the first to scream that the immigrants are supposedly getting a “free ride”. Ha! You can’t have it both ways. You want to keep all the jobs for Amreicans then you have to take miniumum wage for hard work. Why? Because everyone here wants everything cheap. If they can’t get cheap stuff from America then they buy foreign-made products because they really don’t care about American workers or wages.

i like your background a lot where did you get it

Considering the people that would be granted citizenship are either willing to risk their lives for this country or work hard in school, I see nothing wrong with this bill because those are exactly the type of people we want in this country! In some sense, they’re more patriotic to put up with that just to stay here than many of the people born here.

But what you have to realize, as far as the “lower than min wage jobs” goes, is employers can OFFER less because there are people willing to DO IT for less. So lets say tomorrow, every single illegal who is scrubbing toilets for $3 an hour says No, I won’t do this for less than $10, then they would have no choice but to pay people more. At least thats the way I look at it. Also, I’m completely

fine with the idea of serving in the military for a period of time to become a citizen. I honestly feel that every American should have to do a stint in the military. Maybe not deploy, but at least walk a mile, you know? But we have 6 ppl out of 24 right now who joined the Army for 4 years to get their citizenship. So I like that idea. Just my opinion =)

When you say that we are all not legal, that is incorrect. People alive today are not the people that ‘razed” etc. Any person born in AMERICA is legal whether you like that or not They live here, pay taxes etc, abide by the laws, and they are legal. I understand if that is hard for you to understand but that is the fact. ILLEGALS are those that entered here illegally and that are staying here illegally, not paying taxes, not having LEGAL driver’s licenses , so many drive without licences when they get here illegally. The bottom line is those that snuck in here through the broken borders will always be illegal since they have not gone through our citizenship process. If you want to call YOURSELF an illegal alien that is fine but you are not in position nor in authority to call any other legal, law abiding American citizen ‘illegal’. If you really want to see the illegals do some research on the mexican border. You asked, that’s the answer