The new one

So yeah, so much for that writing what i eat every day thing.  it gets a little old. and the first time i went out and ate junk food all day… i felt like a total loser. so Eff that. I’m still running pretty much every day. but i’m not going to write about it.
I did a lot of downloading over Christmas break.  Now i can say i’m totally in love with the new brand new album!!! woot.
As is always, i have come on to write about the complications of my love life, so i don’t have to talk about it in conversation.
1. Zakk–He is amazing!  i have no idea how that man changes his mind so goddamned often. as soon as i started dating someone else and was excited about it, he realized that he made a huge mistake. (duh!) Anyway, other than the drive back to Ocean Springs, we really didn’t talk for most of break until the very end when i went to a little gathering at harvey’s house where he also now lives. He kissed me and told me he loved me and always would. I just smiled and looked bewildered. He’s enlisted in the marines now. he said he’d write. I’ll probably write him back. but i really don’t have any more nerve endings where he’s concerned.

2. all the other boys–There were a lot of them… i was trying so hard to play the field and date tons of men, but while i was gone there was one who talked to me much more than the others. I actually missed him, and it turns out he missed me too. so i think i’m going to pull away from the others a little.

3. Josh–is the one who talked to me. He’s sweet and he sings. what more should i say. It’s just fun. i like it. I spent the weekend with him and have grown prematurely attached.  or have i? we have techincally been dating for like a month and a half. so maybe i’m just normally attached and paranoid. lol.  anyway, he knows some of the story and seems to be understanding of my little oddities. and it turns out i like him. i still miss that warm feeling around my heart when i think about someone… but that comes in time.

so there you have it.  what a crazy life i have led… perhaps if i was much more busy my life would be less insane.


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February 12, 2007

Oh Crystal! How I miss you! What have you been up to lately?

February 20, 2007

Its going alright. I miss having you around though. So tell me how your Valentines Day went. Its been forever since you have written in here. Loves~

February 27, 2007

A road trip to Dallas just might be in order.. Maybe I’ll get on planning that.. So tell me about Josh.. I’m curious..