Fucking post office!

I hate the Fucking post office. 

So here’s how this went.   I had a FPO/APO priotrity mail package for Zakk and a priority mail envelope for my dad that had some certificates for engraving worth $150 that I needed to send insured.  So I had all my customs forms filled out and all of that.  I wait in line with my 40 pounds of stuff (No joke.  The box for zakk was 100% full of candy) and finally get up to the front.  The lady takes my priority mail box and says you need a return address.  I said ok, but it’s already on the customs form.  She continued to lay into me about it while I’m doing it.  I’m thinking what a bitch.  Then I hand her my insured package.  She says you need to fill out an insurance form.  So I did and then she says. What’s in it?  I told her and she says well I can’t insure it this way you need to put it in a box.  I said ok what if I take the necklace out and just send it that way.  She says ok. So I pull out the necklace then she says I cant insure this because It’s ceritificates.  I can only insure it for the paper it’s printed on.  So By this point I’m pretty annoyed so I said well then let’s not insure it.  I’ll put the necklace back in and we’ll just send it on.   So she says do you need delivery confirmation and I said yes.  Then she tells me the total and I say don’t i get some sort of certificate for delivery confirmation and she says you said you didn’t want it.  I said no.  I do want it.  So blah blah blah. I ended  up so pissed off by the time I left I just wanted to scream Look Bitch!  I have enough people trying to make my life hard.  I don’t need your help with it.  Just send my shit and let me leave.


I hate federal workers!

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