How am I supposed to feel? II

  I just read a quite disturbing post on Facebook from one of my Aunts. It stated that my Grandfather was a pedophile and had raped or molested her and 2 of her sisters. He was a raging alcoholic and when she spoke up about it, she was told that she must have wanted it. 

What is it about people dying that absolves them of all the past evils and wrong doings? It is no secret that this man was an alcoholic and of the men in that family and even some of the women were, but why is he all of a sudden a great and wonderful person. How is it that everyone will miss him so much, when just the day before you hated him?

I am so confused.

The same thing happened with my Aunt. She was a horrible person. She was a Christian hypocrite meaning she made everyone around her go to church pray and while she sat around judging and acting holier than though and had not once stepped foot in a church the entire time I lived with her. This woman was married to a pedophile who could not keep his hands to himself. So when I told her, instead of dealing with it sent me to live with my drug addict mother who was still in a rehab center. The woman told me that I had to be sexually active or else I would not have started my period. This woman would not allow me to have friends my age because she knew I was having sex. My only friend was 8, I was 13. Up to the day she died she treated everyone like they owed her something, yet at her funeral they all glorified and praised her. 

I don’t understand.

I mean you don’t have to bad mouth the person, but it’s not right to paint an untruthful picture of someone just because they passed away.

Anywho, My feelings have not changed, it’s just makes me feel a little bit better about being so neutral. 













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July 27, 2013

I notice that when people die, too. Sometimes the people were truly wonderful, but from funerals, you would think that everyone is wonderful. My advice would be just let yourself feel how you’re truly feeling and don’t worry about how you’re “supposed” to feel.

August 19, 2013

damn *huggzz*