youth verse volume one

chronic sleeper, I am I am. Things are going and shit. Blah Blah, god my intros are so fucking horribly profound I want to throw up on your face.

spoken word poetry was a bust ’cause no one there had the balls to sign up for it. classic to the introvert maybe. ah, senseless am I. Jane bought me an orange juice and I looked at all the fliers for local rallies and local artists and the man with the mic in the background kept saying “anybody? if you sign up now we gaurantee you will read tonight. Anybody at all? this is called spoken word night not hang out and talk about bullshit night.” and I laughed instead of signing up. yet it did cross my mind to read aloud something I had memorized. I have lots of poems memorized that I have stupidly written and I think maybe that’s, I don’t know, arrogant or something. god I am so fucking tired of trying to not seem arrogant or self involved or narcissistic cause I AM. EVERYONE IS. maybe it’s me just not wanting to conform. like I said before, blah blah.

work has been work lately instead of grooming training considering the instructor is in hawaii buying a house. I now have the ability to shave down dogs and perform “full service grooms” and aquire fifty percent commision on them. good times, good times. As a bather/brusher I aquired three steady clients: two labs called Adam and Eve, a shepherd mix named Pepsi, and, by far my absolute favorite, a full bred golden named Riley. When I get my request dogs I do an excellent job. I upgrade the shampoo even if they don’t pay for it, walk them when they need to pee, I discount the price if something is not done properly and in turn the customer gives me at least a five dollar tip and, of course, their ongoing business. It’s taken me some time to truly appreciate and value the idea of customer relationships. At first I was afraid of the idea of having to interact with people on a professional basis and was never into having quality customer service skills. but now, well now I genuinely enjoy it. I am confident when I speak with my customers because I honestly feel like I know what I am talking about. I am not trying to sell them something, I am just trying to make them feel comfortable with leaving their dog with me. I think people like me, they respond to my sincerety and are not threatened by me at all. I always go to them, lean down to their dog’s level, and hang out with them a little before the owner leaves. I really do enjoy this trade I have chosen and believe that if I stick with it for at least another year I could easily be a salon manager with a steady and plentiful clientel.

what prompted me to write that? I don’t know. something I’ve been thinking about I guess and feel kinda lame talking about with thee friendz and such.

Last night the girlfriend, the third roommate and I decided to visit a restaurant called cowboy chao’s for dinner. the place is high end and all ritzy in downtown scottsdale. I arrived home from work at five thirty and managed to dress in skirts and collored shirts, do makeup and hair, pop two somas, and have a shoku drink before arriving only two minutes late for our 6:40 reservation. the place was bad ass. quiet, dim, wooden. the server really knew her shit and had no problems answering the array of questions shot out by the chefs that I dined with. we ordered a bunch of appts, pork belly, carpacciuo, veal… I ate a lot and sipped the vodka soda the girlfriend shared with me. I enjoy fine dining, a completely different kind of dining if you ask me. an experience that is based, not only on the food, but the ethstics of the atmosphere. the look, the feel, the company, the wine, the conversation. During the dessert course the girlfriend expressed to our server that, for her, it wasn’t very satisfying. she said the chocolate should have been bitter sweet. the server, a tall woman with a pixie cut of blonde hair and a bad ass belt, asked the girlfriend if she was in the industry. the girlfriend said that she was the chef at Atlas Bistro. The moment the women heard “Atlas Bistro” you saw her face change and she said “Oh! I’ve heard of you. Chef Carlos says you are amazing!” The girlfriend and the woman went on to talk about Atlas Bistro, the wine shop there and how similar their two restaurants are. In the end, the girlfriend promised to send out complementary food to her when she visits Atlas, and gensture the girlfriend tells most anyone in the industry. When we recieved or tab, the server had taken off the dessert, and comped all of our drinks and wine, a sixty dollar value. I am slowly learing about restaurant etiquett as far as trade offs go and think it’s pretty fucking awesome. The girlfriend is a pro at networking and it’s no less than sexy when she shmoozes with her industry peers.

After arriving home the girlfriend and I argued about menial bullshit and fell asleep with the light on.

This morning I fucked, showered, and poured myself a glass of wine since the alcoholic lifestyle is perhaps the lifestyle I want to live.

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you seem to be good at your job and you seem to like it as well sooo, thats good.

it’s too bad you didn’t have the confidence to sign up to “speak your words”. Maybe a little vodka in that orange juice would have helped. It’s cool that you compose poetry and memorize it. Beatniks would, like, snap their fingers in applause. Davo

it’s wonderful that you like your work so much and you’re getting so good at it. Some smallbusiness/salespeople reek of insincerity. when they talk to you, you can tell they’re just trying to sell you something or shmmooze in order to sell you something next time. You have the right attitude. Davo

Maybe in the future the gf can help finance you to start a salon (I seem to remember she had a big bag of money from an inheritance). or a restaurant. Or a restaurant with a salon in the back where people can get their dogs groomed while they eat. Davo

there is a story (true or not, who knows/cares) about a westerner who took his dog into a restautant in asia somewhere and motioned to the owner to take the dog in back and feed him something while the owner eats. Yep, the chef butchered the dog & served it to the owner. Those cultural misunderstandings will get you every time. Davo