target remains

pop goesss the ceiling of routine pop goes the feeling of sitting

cant you see you’ve got honorable mention

fuctupmoms with wet children and a healthy does of apppppathy

its time to decide. we make it or we die.

I can honestly say that my women in history teacher inspired me. to stop being lazy. and do soomething anything. I told her about the riot grrrl movement and she told me about how she has just recently seperated herself as an active member of the democratic party because everything is so fucked up. she asked where I get my news. I said air america. she said she likes air america too. then we had sex.

the response curious dave got in his diary regarding feminism really upset me. I wish all those chicks could take her class. I wish they’d open their eyes. open something.

yes there is a war. there are women in third world countries getting their vaginas stapled together. but, fuck, I don’t live there and there is plenty of shit to work on riiiiight here in the u.s of a. I’m tired of this “by comparison” bullshit. Yes, it could be worse it could be, but that doesn’t make it any better. Alice Paul stood outside the white house for months and that was during a war.

fuck. enough of that.

I’ll return later

Log in to write a note

i think cutting is passe too. but i developed that addiction before i knew anything about. now i’m stuck. nice entry btw. i liked it.

I like your name.

i like your face

that was supposed to be a take on the last person’s note and all but i forgot to capitalize the I and then put a period. capitalizing Is. it is like profiting from the self. anyway. i liked the first part of this. well i liked all of it but i liked what you did there.

I liked your notes. Davo

I liked the second part of this Davo

I agree 100% about the vagina-stapling. just because x is worse than y doesn’t mean we should ignore y. It’s stupid when people say why do you support cause x because cause y is more critical. It’s all movement in the right direction. Davo

happy mother’s day to your mom. Davo

haa, cutting is so passe.

conventionalists would say to leave an answering machine message but instead i will say it here answer yer fucking phone once in awhile

Oh, very fun to red entry by curiousdve. The notes re pretty fun, too. I m sorry for ll the goddmn notes with no ‘s in them.