sleeping around the rosie

pocket full of…um… your mom!

bah! muahahhah

oh fluids, how I love the way you dribble down my chin and fall safely upon my self doubt.

days continue to come and then, oddly enough, go. I had my womens studies presentation on Wednesday. I decided to do it on women in music and how most of it is either based on sex and tits and pleasing yo man or sappy, slow, bullshit about relationships and heartache and crap. So I stood up, unprepared, and talked a lot. and at one point, I got pretty angry and I said “boycott cosmo! and redbook! and cosmogirl!” and the class laughed a little. But most of it sounded okay, complete sentences and appropriate words and such, more than I could say for most of the class who did theirs on the “beauty ideal” and brought in pictures from cosmo and redbook and crap for visual aids. I, without asking first, used audio aids instead. I played Le Tigre, one in which Kathleen Hannah screams and screams and screams and I don’t think the class liked it that much. but I thought it proved my point nicely, how people just aren’t used to chicks being that pissed off.

In cuntclusion, there is none.


I took my women in history final today. I didn’t know a couple of the questions but in general I think I learned a lot in that class. I am fully convinced that Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony were lovers. They carried on a fifty year friendship amongst politics and disagreement. When ECS wrote ‘The Woman’s Bible’, NWSA turned their backs on her. She was too progressive, she blasted the church, religion altogether saying it was misogynistic and based on a man’s views of the world. NWSA thought it was horrible, blasphemous, and thought ECS shouldn’t be involved with NWSA anymore. Stanton asked Susan B. Anthony, her friend of nearly forty years, to turn her back on NWSA also. NWSA hated Stanton now, and she believed Anthony would leave NWSA because of that. Though Susan defended Stanton, she wouldn’t leave NWSA. So Stanton moved away, and died soon after, she asked for a picture of Susan to be placed on her grave.


I have an interview Monday for a Bather/Brusher position at Petco. I probably won’t get it. You know why? Because I’m black! But I’m not really black, but if I was I would definitely milk the fact that my ancestors got beaten, raped and tortured for no reason.

Tonight shall bring dinner & a movie. no, not the show on tbs. is it tbs or usa? Doesn’t matter I guess. The girlfriend and I shall double date with B&J and we will go see ‘what the @&*# do we know?’ and eat at the subculture cafe. its open 24 hours. like your mom. I think Happy Valley is a pretty stupid name for a city.

we have this friend named Jason who is mister straight male fuck a lot of chicks for sport kind of guy. and he calls sometimes, like right now. and he bitches about how these chicks he goes to bed with get attached to him and want a relationship, even though he is honest with them up front and says “hey, I don’t like you like a girlfriend but I want to fuck you is that okay?” and the chicks are like “yeah, I don’t want a boyfriend but I want to fuck” and then they fuck a lot and then the chick gets pissed when he finds a different chick to fuck.

I don’t know how to feel about that. I mean, on one hand he is being honest and upfront with the women, explaining to them before anything happens that he just wants to fuck them, nothing more, and they agree to it. They know going into it what his intentions are, so why are they pissy and surprised when he actually follows through with what he says? Yet, sex is an intimate thing and maybe it’s wrong to fuck around with chicks so much since most chicks are more emotional and intimate things generally mean more to them and he should realize that. and I imagine most chicks think that after they get him in bed a lot he might change his mind and fall madly in love or someshit.

opinions? Is this guy a bad person? Or maybe just careless?

I think we are mostly just friends with him because he can fix my car if it ever needs to be fixed. Does that make ME a bad person?


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oooooh…le tigre..yeah.

His just careless.

no, you’re not a bad person. hey, we were brainstorming at the lab and somebody suggested a bionic credit card reader so you could swipe a credit card by pulling it along the crack of your butt. Do you think your mom would want to be in a marketing focus group about that? I mean fuckus group? Just wondering Davo

I try to be careful about attributing characteristics to genders, because it’s so easy to stereotype, but I do think women are somewhat more likely to become attached to you & want you exclusively just because you fuck them than men are. But he’s being completely upfront about his intentions, you can’t really fault him for it. Davo

I don’t think he’s a bad person, but if he’s sensitive, it might get to him after a while. Davo

is music performed by women differently-themed, on the average, than music performed by men? I’m sure somebody has done a content analysis. There’s a lot of sappiness/crappiness on all sides. Davo

are you looking to quit the butterflyjob? don’t like the hours? Davo

I have been reading a little about feminism, not the first-wave stuff (see, I can even talk about waves now, though I’m still not at all sure what “third-wave” is) but some of the more recent personalities. I’m still very ignorant about it, but maybe I’ll write an entry about some observations/opinions. I’m sure you can give good feedback on it. Davo

I would sy just creless, but if these women re lying to him in order to perhps obtin functionl reltionship, they probbly need someone to tell them not to put themselves in such position in the first plce, or something. The guy probbly needs to lern to use better discretion when picking his sex friends.