oops I’m drunk

I smoke pot a lot and when I don’t I get uneasy. We haven’t had pot in maybe a day and a half and, just now, while the girlfriend accedently passed out, I found maybe half a bowl in this old pipe of mine and smoked it and thought “wow that’s crazy what a pothead I am.”

but, you know, hey, it’s pot, right? on air america they had this guy on who initiated an organization called SAFER: Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation. He was all about legalizing marijuana and the fucking smartest guy I’ve ever heard on that show and he was only twenty two. I wish I could remember his name.

if my boy brandon goes on the roadtrip in April I decided I am totally going to go, no matter what. He believes things I believe and that’s reason enough.

I’m pompous and snobby and that’s probably why the kids in my creative writing class won’t talk to me. fuck them, the shit they write is fucking horrible. you see, the snobbiness. I can’t help the fact that they like to write about butterflies and create cliche metaphores about love and thorns and roses, I can’t help that I don’t like it or think it’s respectable, you know?

no, cause no one does cause everyone has some critisism about the kind of person you are and what you need to do to make you more agreeable to the people around you. fuck man, life is nothing but doing a bunch of shit you don’t want to do and then sometimes, once in a while, being able to do something you like.

if only I were rich, right? you wouldn’t read this anymore. not like you do now.

I miss my family and have been losing a lot of weight.

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hell yeah pot rocks!

the fact that so many people are in prison for non-violent drug offenses while W goes around saying how free we are is surreal. He & his fucking drug czars are hard core insane to keep maintaining that marijuana is some kind of evil dope worse than alcohol. that’s just provably wrong. We’re living in a country with insanity permeating the highest levels of government. Davo

good for you for having the strength of your personality & saying exactly what you think in class. Too few people do that. The price is, as you say, that many will dislike you. To some that’s too big a price to pay. Good for you if you can. there are enough polite nodders. Davo

i believe what the first noter meant was “hell yea, pop rocks!”

It’s ridiculous that people get put away for decades sometimes over pot charges, but a murderer who isn’t caught until twenty years after his crime gets seven years or less. Justice system? I think not.

but, writing cliche metaphores about love and thorns and roses isn’t respectable. at all. in fact, i’ll go so far as to say they suck. and two people out of ten million can’t be wrong.