lack of sex and sense

yesterday all I ate was a big grab of chips and all I thought about was how hot your mom’s underwear are. you know, those control top ones with the lace at the top?

when you don’t eat you wake up hungry and when you wake up hungry you wake up empty and when you’re empty it’s hard to pee.

seventh day with nosex which means one week. It’s okay, I like sleeping just as much. rest and slumber and all is just as satasfying as a hardy orgasm. not.

the girlfriend is sick aswell as worn out from 91 hours of work this week. her chef’s jackets are dirty and tattered and her face is long with swollen eyes and disheveled hair. her day off she will spend with cookbooks and vendor lists, reworking the menu and meeting with the owners and auditioning line cooks. opening a restaurant = lots o work. opening your legs = a thing of the past.

before I start my period I crave sugar so I drank a coke and it tasted like syrup.

Sunday will be my seventh day of work straight and though I am scheduled to work Monday I politely asked for it off because, you know, I need to spend a day smoking pot and collaging while watching season 3: disc 3 of six feet under. man I fucking hate what they did to Nate’s character.

yesterday brought six dogs and no help other than my trusty dematter. people leave early cause their lazy and people talk shit because their bored. I do my work and shut my mouth and dogs look pretty consistently.

my car is broken again. fuck you.

fuck I need drugs cause life has been all too sober and filled with lawful things lately. maybe I will steal from walmart as to not feel like such a normal drudge in society.

yesterday while walking gordon he spotted a stout german shepherd across the lawn, one in which he always trys to attack. so, he takes off full speed toward the stout german shepherd and the leash jerks me and fucking fall like shit onto the sidewalk. I scrape my elbow and the women sees me fall and I cant get up with one hand so I let go of the leash. the dogs bark and snarl for a minute and the gordon returns to my side. and I yell and curse at him cause I am bleeding and pissed.

I am so fucking tired of dogs I could fucking vomit all over your mom’s green shag carpet that she decided to get right after I did that thing she likes with her leg and my three right fingers.

in other news, there is nothing meaningful around me besides my alwaysgone girlfriend and mediocre art.

end of that.

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i agree…too much law-abiding is bad for development. Go smoke some pot on an elementary school playground…thats like..triple the sentence [and fun as hell…swing sets and slides at your disposal]. woohoo!!! im sorry you fell down! My dog Ginger Rogers is always running around in circles trying to trip me up…getting underfoot. Too bad shes so damn cute. lol 😀

your diary still remains the most interesting on this site. dont call it a bias; you entertwine personal insight with personal reflection.goodshit

I guessed that nosex was a preparation for treating a pimple on ones’s nose. Davo

“hospitality” work always has long, bad, hours. Unless you’re a whore, whores can sleep late because people generally don’t want a fuck for breakfast. Davo

you don’t want to be sent up for stealing from wal-mart, you know what they do to wal-mart shoplifters in prison. Tear the “do not remove under penalty of law” tags off your mattresses or something like that Davo