join the mevolution

ah, fucking school starts on monday and oh fucking shit this whole “grooming school” thing starts on the 29th and therefore my time will be horribly consumed and I am not a fan of being busy all the time.

my dog tried to bite me this morning when I attempted to drag him out of our bedroom. he showed his teeth and then growled and then snapped and so I hit him hard, though I never do that, but that’s just unacceptable. perhaps Gordon is going through his teenage years, the same years that take over 17 year old’s lives and sometimes, out of anger and angst, they slap their mom a good one cause she won’t let them go to cindy’s party cause cindy’s parties are known for drugs and sex.

ah, drugs and sex. cold is still present and I guess I’m going to have to go to the fucking doctor. I hate going to the doctor cause they always grab my balls. no, really it’s cause I know they will find some other terminal sickness that will force me to spend my last months of life in some childrens hospital in las vegas.

our dearest of all dearest couple friends known as jane and breezy have broken up. while I shall not go into details of this break up since, well, it’s a long story and I seriously doubt you care, I will say that the night before last jane came into our house after seeing breezy at some club with another girl, and yes, she cried. and man, it was fucking sad. and she said she didn’t even care until she saw the way breezy looked at this other girl, with endearment, and the was she looked at jane, with disgust. It pains me to admit, or rather not admit, that breezy has been fooling around with this other chick hardcore now for an amount of time not known by jane. yet the girlfriend and I know everything about this break up and are forced to withhold information. not fun, my friends, not fun. two year relationship ending = lots o drama.

yesterday was spent curled up in my illness on the couch. watched d.e.b.s on dvd and thought it was semi-funny but totally needed better sex scenes between amy and lucy diamond. everytime they’d kiss it would cut away to something else, like they were afraid to show it. later the girlfriend and I saw charlie and the chocolate factory after smoking a joint of MARIJUANA in the car. I don’t know what to say about this movie other than the character of willy wonka was fucking bad ass. eccentric and weird and funny and executed to a tea, yes, a tea. I was just glad dakota fanning wasn’t in it. whatever it lacked in plot it certainly made up with in awesome visuals.

this semester brings to me a creative writing class. I have never, mind you, never taken a creative writing class not even in high school. I’m fucking scared that in this class my tag of mediocrity will be validated. there will be at least five people better than me and the instructor will tell me my style is “hard to follow” or someshit like that. I was never much of a fiction writer and I am sure that’s what the bulk of the class will be. fiction.

today I will spend the last of my two days off curled on the couch with my illness once again. I’ll probably eat a hot pocket and scrape pot resin.

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shit, they broke up. rest in peace. when longterm seemingly really cohesive relations sever, its ahh, shocking. kinda saddening, even if [i] dont know the people personally

my dog growled at me once. He just forgot himself. He was real sorry afterwards, he knew it was a faux pas. I hate going to the doctor because she always puts my tits in a vice and shoves some metal apparatus she keeps in the fridge into my cunt. No, wait, never mind, that wasn’t me… Davo

aw, sorry for jane. I remember you don’t like going to the doctor, you once had a gross lesion of some kind on your face and didn’t go. But most things cure themselves. except cancer and AIDS. You’re a real good writer, you always put funny twists in your writing, that’s creative. You’ll do fine. If you can’t think of anything else, just write about your life and say it’s fiction. Davo

good for cindy sheehan, somebody needs to take that twerp W by the lapels and tell him that not everybody believes his lies. I wonder what he’d say to the question as to if he encouraged his daughters to join the “noble cause” in Iraq? I’d really like to hear his answer. W must be proud of his supporters, too, the oaf with the shotgun and the guy who ran over the crosses. go, cindy! Davo

hot pocket and pot resin. hot pocket and pot sound similar. like they came together. pot hocket. someshit. get better soon and probably the only thing thatll happen in this writing class is you’ll discover your strengths and weaknesses and itll be enriching.

i like the spider you drew on the frontpage

that is a nice 20-legged spider on the front page. Is that a big red nose or an open mouth a la that famous “Scream” painting? or is that up to the viewer, like an ink blot? You got the title in the church you wanted, and more. Jesus, you’re right, classes tomorrow, I better go trim my fingernails and iron my hankerchiefs or something. Davo