hip and rich somewhere

is it today or tomorrow or the next day that there is a holiday that involves alcohol and, um, cereal or something.

I don’t know, I can’t keep track.

things have been happening lately and I’d kill an ugly child in hopes of producing a beautiful one. Or maybe I’ll produce a movie instead and I’ll be like “come on people! deadlines! deadlines!”

last night was an interesting evening and I know I always say that but this time it’s true, I swear.

There is a couple that goes to the girlfriend’s restaurant three or four times a week and they are really rich and he is a doctor and we sort of know them and they always hug me and the wife wears extravagent jewelry and fur coats and is called “old money” and they are genuinely nice people despite their riches.

They invited us out to dinner with them last night and told the girlfriend to pick wherever she wanted to go in Phoenix. The girlfriend chose The Blue Wasabi in the northest of north north snottsdale and we dressed up in skirts and sweaters and met them at their fucking unbelievable house at six p.m. I don’t know how to describe the enourmity and overall aww factor of this house but I will say this: they had a spiral staircase and the art on the walls made me want to cream my pants. But I didn’t say that.

We piled into their truck. a fucking 2005 escalade. an escalade. I dont know anything about cars really but I hear that an escalade is, like, a pimp ride these days. it had heated seats and three dvd players and that satalite radio bullshit and I was like whoa. and they only do valet.

I was nervous. These people are, like, classy and well spoken and know a lot of stuff about a lot of stuff and we went to this sushi and martini place and I don’t really like sushi. but I do like martinis. and the girlfriend and I ordered some, though underage, we were not carded and I believe it was due to the voluume of food and drink being ordered.

It really is crazy to be around rich people. They looked at the menu, each item between 12 and 20 dollars and just started checking everything they wanted. they checked about 8 items, then handed it to the girlfriend and I and told us to order whatever we wished. It was fucking insane. I ordered a jello martini and slurped the red slime into my mouth every other second. Later I had a lemon martini and by that time, the wife of the doctor had consumed three already.

soooo we ate sushi and drank martinis in this fucking hipster place in the northest of north snottsdale, an area I had actually never been to. They spoke mostly of the girlfriend’s career, networking, how to know people and use her charm and personality to meet and interact with head chefs and foodies in the valley thus bringing oppertunity.

I thought that’s what we were doing right then.

They raved about her food and then we talked about gaystuff and how they met and it was cute and we were in this cozy back room and our server was cool and agreeable and I would say it was a successfull evening.

After that we drove alll the fucking way to cave creek to go to this coffee shop and wine bar they like. soooo we went there and it was very nice, brick and vintage with a fire place and wooden seats. we ate cheese cake and drank coffee and they talked about wine and I mostly just listened.

We drove back to their “community” around nine and my car was indeed the only 88 honda on the block proudly sporting the FUCK BUSH bumper sticker, they said “the neighbors will love that.”

So, I realize this entry was boring but fuck it.

In retrospect, I had an alright time. It was indeed a new experience to dress up and park valet and be able to drink for free at a bar simply because the party you are with is known to spend a lot of money. It was different to have a man open up a car door for you simply because you are female.

The whole evening was sort of intoxicating and later, while home bundled on the couch smoking pot and watching our taped american idol episode, I decided I’d much rather be doing that than being hip and rich somewhere. Though I guess if I were hip and rich I could still do that. But it wouldn’t mean as much to me.

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I liked this entry a lot. I don’t know any rich people, at least not socially. It sounds like a lot of fun, they were supernice, then you got to go home with the gf and talk about it. this was really an interesting and sweet entry, it made me feel good for you. either that or one of us is losing our cynicism. Davo

interesting principle– if you spend enough and look respectable, you don’t get carded. well, you know, the rich are not treated like us in all ways. This sounds like a real nice evening, though. By the way, is this the guy you mentioned before who likes to read “classics”? Davo

I guess there are some ways to be fairly wealthy. Physician is good, but a dr. I talked to says it sucks these days, you’re caught between the HMO’s and the malpractice suits, it’s a pain in the arse going into medicine these days unless you’re like dedicated and not in it for the money. Plus, I don’t especially like blood or being around sick people, so much for that. Davo

I feel bad about how curesandcurses can’t get notes. That sucks the big one. Is she the only one? Davo

boring hardly

so what youre saying is youd sooner be trashy and poor and watch a VHS rendition of american idol than record it on TiVo and play it back whilst on your red leather sofa underneath a blanket made out of bunnies i see how it is

your diary and its stories might not be half as interesting if you had “the boyfriend” instead of “the girlfriend” homosexual bias, i guess. that orrr its just not as commonplace

theres a rich lady that has insurance and she has like three houses and 20 cars and her last name is Lovely and i dont think you care or anything but i thought id tell you

Your and curesandcursesÂ’ expressions of groupieness make me smile. I can explain that from the others as being influenced by the penis factor, but you two donÂ’t even like the damn things and say they taste like regret and probably wouldnÂ’t even make a cast of it if I supplied free plaster, so, considering that and the perceptiveness you both have, I weigh your opinions about 8 times (cuntinued)

more than those from random others. So thanks, IÂ’m flattered I can entertain youse a little or that you see something worthwhile in my ranting. Davo PS IÂ’d say IÂ’d lob briefs at your bus any time, but I donÂ’t know if it would be quite the same. If you flung your knickers at mine, though, IÂ’d have security retrieve them and I’d make a perverty altar for them or something.

I really didn’t know what holiday you were talking about, I’m so out of it, I need to go to target and look at the “seasonal” displays and get in sync with the world. You mean like the green one, right? why do the Irish have their own day and parade and even fucking color? do the Germans, Poles, Scots, Hungarians, Japanese??? why do the Irish get special treatment?

4 days FOUR DAYS since your last update im not getting any younger

Once time, I went to a restaurant and had forty-dollar roast duck, and it was awesome, because things like that are enjoyable when you never ever do them. I don’t think I’d be able to be full-time glamorous. Who is your Idol favorite?

i thought of a new one Hearts and SARS