healthy shit talking

A few days ago, amongst hearing of ridiculously boring, mind you RIDICULOUSLY boring, excerpts of some stupid fucking book about being an "emotional" writer, a folded piece of lined paper slipped onto my desk via the boy sitting next to me. This particular boy had complemented my shared writing, and his writing was sort of similar to mine. I unfolded the note and it said something like, "I really liked your essay blah blah, this class is lame."

due to the fact that I agreed with him and myself enjoyed his writing, I wrote him back. This continued for the duration of the class and in that short period of time we were able to talk a whole lot of shit about the other kids in the class and the teacher who always appears to be on acid or something.

This particular boy and I conversed shortly outside of class. He is somewhat funny and somewhat smart and has an interesting style about him, real old school.

The next class he sat beside me again and again a note was slipped onto my desk. We continued a sort of shit-talking-writing club for the entire class and I’m pretty sure the professor is well aware of our note passing. she glares at us sometimes and it feels like I’m in Jr. High again or someshit. After the class we walked together and laughed a bit and I feel a sort of friendship with him. He’s cynical and dark and gets my sense of humor. I asked him if he had a myspace page and we proceeded to talk shit about the myspace epidemic and then he said "yeah, I do". I told him to write down his name for me but instead he wrote down his phone number and handed it back.

I’m not entirely sure this boy is gay but I sort of think he is. I get that gay vibe from him. You know the one. If he’s not gay I think he may have a crush on me which is sort of fucked up ’cause that hasn’t happened since, like, high school or something.

Interesting nonetheless. We have been e-mailing cynical blurbs over myspace about our evenings and workdays and such and it’s kind of cool to have a writing buddy again. Kind of cool that I even kind of sort of made a friend at school who is not stupid and/or ugly.

You know whose ugly? lots of people I see on a daily basis. especially some of the dogs I groom. shihtzus I believe to be fucking hidious. especially when they have, like, no teeth or one eye or lots of matts or something.

sacha cleaned the house before I got a chance to and now I have to feel guilty about not doing it first. but I will fold the laundry bitches, oh yes, I will fold the laundry.

our roommate is due to move in in the upcoming week and then it’s going to be awkward. or perhaps not awkward. maybe it will be fun. and we’ll all play scrabble together and get drunk off the expensive vodka that she will pay for but we will drink and then we will feel guilty ’cause we’re broke and she’ll say "oh, don’t worry about it" but really she’ll be thinking "fucking mooches" and that will inturn lead to AWKWARD.

some may say my computer is low on virtual memory. that’s because it is constantly telling me that. and I am like "fuck sarnie shut up and get your own fucking memory. I don’t know how to fix you." and sarnie crys tears of invisible electronic microchips. I don’t treat her like I should. Maybe I will get her a bottle of wine to make up for it.

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September 26, 2006

I too was once a college student who thought I knew everything. I grew up, one day hopefully you will too.

September 26, 2006

but I will fold the laundry bitches, oh yes, I will fold the laundry. –> just that line alone is enough to tell me that you’re someone I’d get along with. we talk alike. hot. i also like that you drink vodka. expensive, cheap, whatever, you end up drunk and that’s the point. i used to have a myspace page, but it was creepy having people who barely knew me look at my personal life.

September 26, 2006

ps: that asshole who left you that first note clearly hasn’t grown up because they’re immature enough to leave rude notes on other people’s diaries. didn’t your momma tell you that if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all? tsk tsk tsk.

September 27, 2006

You wrote notes in class at 21? Seriously?

September 30, 2006

you need some computer care 101

October 1, 2006

computers complaining about low virtual memory often just need to be rebooted. Do you leave her turned on for a long time? or maybe she has viruses & spyware & shit. Try an antivirus program if she keeps doing it so that it bothers you. Davo

October 1, 2006

Lots of people are ugly. I ride the bus sometimes now and there is maybe 1 attractive girl on the bus at a time to fantasize about, at most, often none. I think 1-max is a rule. I always bring a book or magazine for that reason. Davo

October 1, 2006

You must be really expert about handling & grooming dogs now, and that thing related to the gland in their asses, although by now maybe you have an assistant to do that. You must have a big clientele who recognize you (I mean the dogs, not the owners.) I think it would be interesting to observe all the different dog-personalities- like people’s different personalities, but dogs let theirs hang out more, like their tongues. I like dogs but I don’t have enough time for one now. Davo

October 1, 2006

I thought the first noter was just being rude for no reason, but then I see you left her a note saying she had housewifely concerns & she must have been offended by that, so she played the I’m-older-than-you-&-therefore-wiser card with you. An older lady played that on me once, I forgot what it was I said that was offensive… oh, yeah, about how Americans should wipe their noses & stop whining about 9/11 & misreacting to it. Maybe when we’re older we’ll wise up to what’s really important like the horror of yellow waxy buildup on the linoleum. Davo

October 1, 2006

thanks for the notes & comments about anal sex. Now there are comments about rimming. I don’t know how it got to be such a discussion point on my diary, I have never tried it & don’t even want to. It does seem to be a very common thing in porn nowadays, for some reason, though. No doubt there are some feminist and other social/psychological theories about that & other popular variants (facial cumshots) in porn, you probably know about different theories, you know a lot about feminism. Davo