headless body in a topless bar

sounds like a good time.

you know what is shitty? lots of things. here is one of them.

every weekend I have to wake up at nine thirty in the early morning in order to sell admissions tickets and merchandise outside a butterfly pavilion. but you already knew that didn’t you?

I don’t like rap. hardly ever. under any circumstance. but I like that song ‘I want it all’ by warren g. in fact, I enjoy much of warren g’s music. perhaps this makes me somewhat of a “g” myself.

“remember what ya told yaself nigga”

outoftown friends called tonight and asked if they could be not outoftown friends but tonightfriends and I said okay because I don’t know how to say no and now I’m pretty sure third roommate and the girlfriend will yell at me and maybe even steal my soul for some coke.

oh yes, coke. Elizabeth Wurtzel said coke is lame because you do it and you feel high but not as high as you want to be so you do more and more and more never actually attaining that highness you seek. which is why it’s dangerous.

we smoked primos (primos- n. a mixture of marijuana and cocaine ruled into blunt form and smoked) it made my lips numb which made me want to kiss. later we snorted lines off the girlfriend’s business cards which seemed funny.

I feel it necessary to mention that I am not, nor are my friends, scummy.

so there is that.

besides, coke was kinda lame and later some weird straight boys came over and everyone was nice and uncomfortable.

I would not reccomend cocaine. Though, the girlfriend saved some for just her and I. The next night we had some drinks, did the rest of this cocaine substance and then had some of longest most mind blowing sex ever to exist in this apartment.

the third roommate’s sister is in town. we are sure to make plenty of “I fucked your sister” jokes around him. But I wouldn’t fuck his sister. she was wearing a lime green shirt and khakis.

Right now I’m listening to ‘say it aint so’ by weezer and man that is one of the most sincere fucking visceral rock and roll songs ever. I used to be in love with rivers cuomo until it got to trendy and then I was like “let me stop doing something I really like just because everyone else is doing it which is, despite popular belief, NOT the same thing as DOING something just because everyone else it.”

actually. it is.

I have this weird scabby, horribly painful thiiing on my face and I don’t fucking know what to do. its not a zit or other such face problem it just sort of arose and now I look like a freak. its gross, seriously. if you knew me you’d be like “fuck jaime that’s gross.” and I’d be like “I know.” so, I created bangs that are long in my face as to cover this growth of some sort. is she doing that cause she’s too cool to look at the world? no, it’s cause of that scab on her face.

today I baked a cake, I got paid, I swept the kitchen floor, I downloaded music, I collaged, I bought the girlfriend orange juice, I exercised, I watched Oprah, I made some important decisions about my life.

everything but those last two. nothing against oprah. unless it’s my body.

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my ex had a scabby thing that grew on her face one time. the doctor said it was impetigo. i think. i dont really know. but just dont pick it off or there will be a hole in your face that will never go away. cuz thats what happened to her.

about the face thing i was waiting to tell you but i think it cant wait any longer surprise! i gave you leprosy

I know about your butterflyjob, I consider it a really cool thing, not every gets butterflyjobs at nine-thirty in the ayem. sorry about the leprosy or facial syphilis that you got from amber. I’m sure she was just joking, though. I don’t know about all the drugs, I have no experience with cocaine, etc, so I have no advice/opinions/recommendations except have fun, have experiences, be careful Davo

in my limited experience with droogs, and from a male point of view, sex is not enhanced. but that’s probably only because I have a dick that’s expected to get/stay hard, etc, most drugs I know work against that. ah, to be lesbian… Davo

Hey, maybe you’ve got impetigo, like that one girl on America’s Next Top Model.

hey, I was wondering how your gtoss face thing is doing. If it’s no better, you should have it looked at. By a doctor. I see that two noters diagnosed it as impetigo, so that must be it, amateur internet diagnoses by teenagers are always right. Davo

cocaine is for business men in elevators, night clubs, or penthouses in manhattan