going places


dead. like my love for will smith. it happened after shark tale.

sooo there then lovelies of all that it is lovely in the world, how goes it? Oh, it goes it goes.

We’ve decided to go to Indiana in the summer for the girlfriends twenty first birthday extravaganza. We have what you may call a “pure dyke” friend who lives there and we thought it would be fun to go somewhere other than california, arizona or nevada. thus, Indiana it is. I say she is a “pure dyke” because there is nothing undykie about her. She watches girls college basketball. her friends have a softball team. need I say more? funnny thing, in high school she was slutty and heterosexual. it took a move to Indiana, a state I hear is the “lesbian mecca”, to really bring out her gayness. I mostly just going to make sure the girlfriend is good. and by good I mean she’ll keep her fucking mouth and pussy to herself.

so I begin a quest for a fake ID. If anyone knows where to get one, I will pay top dollar. and by top dollar I mean, like, maybe a hundred.

The other night we went to J&B’s for dinnner and it was funtimes cause we drank wine and the girlfriend and J cooked soup and meat and a rice and it was fucking tastey. afterward we sat around their coffee table which is low to the ground (Jane’s asian, fucking asians and their “practical” furniture) and smoked pot out of a “bubbler”. We discussed plans for Amsterdam. We’ve set a date, July of ’06, we talked about opening a bank account and starting the fund, which will require two thousand dollars per person for plane, hotel, and spending money.

I think this is highly probable. Though, to go to over seas I guess I wouldnt choose Amsterdam, more like Tokyo, but every one seems to believe Amsterdam would be fucking fun beyond comprehension. And I can’t really argue with that.

my work called me today and said I didn’t have to work cause its slow and over staffed. I guess when you wish for these type of calls every day, when it actually happens you thinks someone is playing a joke on you or something. so I said “shut up” not quite remembering this was my boss I was talking to. but she laughed. and I laughed. and everyone laughed cause everything is just so fucking funny, isnt it?!!

yesterday also brought one-on-one interview with my english teacher regarding the outline for my research paper. she has a one on one interview with everyone in the class and my appointment to meet with her was yesterday at 11:30, though her last appointment ran over therefore the classroom was unavailable so we sat under a tree.

It’s, um, odd being perched under a tree with your english teacher. I thought we should be barefoot and picnicing or something.

I dont like to make selfloving statements buuuuut my english teacher fucking likes me. she asks me personal questions, stuff about my family and what I’m doing with my life. She said, and I quote, “I am going to read A LOT of mediocre papers so I am counting on yours to be a refresher.” and I said “pressures on” and she said “Jaime, this should be easy for you.”

and it made me feel good. but I guess its her job to do that. or something.

r u 4 real?

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J&B’s: Oh, Jane & Breezy’s, OK, at first I was thinking that was one of these “family restaurants” / coffee shops with the plastic booths. Davo

The ultra-dyke: short-haired or long-haired? has to be short, right? interesting that she used to be heteroslutically oriented. Gay recruiter must have got ahold of her in Indiana. Davo

I’d go for Amsterdam over Tokyo. Tokyo is crazy expensive and it’s full of inscrutable japs, kids in loose socks SMSing their fucking robot dogs with internetcellphones and businessmen in suits reading Rape-Man comix on the train while “accidentally” rubbing up against your ass or trying to upskirt you with their cameraphones. go Amsterdam Davo

ah, you left me notes, thanks. I knew I could count on you to remind me of women to put on the list, and without using terms such as “sexist dick-head.” I consider you my expert on women’s history/issues. I will start with your little list, do a little research, raise my consciousness and publicly remedy my oversight. Before I get hammered along with the patriarchy & scorpions. Davo

a few entries back I was talking about the usefulness of knowing a little Latin to figure out english words. Your diary name is a perfect example. I had never seen the word before, but could understand it right away. Yay, Latin! amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant. Davo

id say out of all teachers english teachers know the most about their students. and so, when an english teacher likes you, it generally means something more than they are paid to cause really they arent paid to and in my experience english teachers are more cynical than like math teachersssssss

if you go to new york you can get a fake ID if you go to amsterdam you might get a new id what with all the drugs, might put perspective where there was none.