get this, a REPUBLICAN!

Today I stood under a tent out in the rain in front of a house full of butterflies and learned how to use a cash register. multiple items push @/F enter number of items then price and press merch and then subtotal, to void press void button then merch then amount to be subtracted then subtotal.

So this will be cool yo because I get to sit on a stool surrounded by butterfly merchandise outside a butterfly house and sell admissions tickets and worthless plastic toys. This is cool because I will fucking be alone the whoooole time. Yes, no one but customers buying tickets and kids buying toys and no other employees to bother me or further my hatred towards them. Not that I hate anyone I just like to sound hard.

The third roommate had friends from out of town here for the weekend. They were a couple in their early thirties from northern california here to see spring training games. We hadn’t consorted with them much until last night when we sat around the table and smoked pot. The chick passed out before all this and the guy, who works as a director of news programs for an NBC affiliate, it turns out is hardcore… are you ready for this… REPUBLICAN. Pro-Bush, Pro-War, Pro-Life.

The third roommate also passed out cozy in his bed leaving the girlfriend and I and this, this, this REPUBLICAN to ourselves. Now, we didn’t know he was REPUBLICAN right off, we learned gradually from hints in his stories until the girlfriend asked outright if he was a Bush supporter which was followed by this man’s inarticulate tangent about how Bush is what we need right now, Kerry is such a mother fucker and he would never want Kerry in office, Bush gets things done, Clinton is the one who fucked up the economy, etc. etc.

L fucking OL.

He talked about how even though he doesn’t attend church often and is not so much into religion DOES believe in certain morals and the morals Bush has presented because “hey, you have to have some decency.” In which case the girlfriend and I both feverishly argued, that his moral values do not coincide with our own and there is such a thing as separation of church and state. Get rid of the “marriage” altogether and make it so any fucking body can qualify for civil unions and have a ceremony or not have one or a party and create your own “marriage” separate from the church. Because fuck the church, it’s cultish digressive bullshit. and yes, cultish is a word.

More happened, we talked about the like for some time and I think we may have swayed him on a few things.

Fucking REPUBLICANS, seriously.

Today brought eating at hip asian restaurant that the girlfriend said shouldn’t be hip cause it wasn’t that good. We decided over this meal that we want to plan a trip to Chicago in August for the girlfriends twenty first birthday. She has family there and I really want to see Oprah. My fortune cookie said “you have a good head for money” and it made me laugh.

The L Word is on tonight. Will Alice and Dana hook up before she marries Tanya? Will Tina move out of her home with Bette? Jenny is a writer and goes to school and has no job and trouble making rent but yet she wears designer clothes, how? TUNE IN TONIGHT!!

I’ll be working a loooot in the next two weeks which will suck cause it’ll get in the way of me doing nothing.

alright so all in all lets call the mall and make a doll fall tall down the bally ball ball. halls. help your throat. when you get dick stuck in it.

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ok…yea a dream cloud…not much of a thinker now are we? What do you think it is…..dream – cloud…obviously im refering to a dream….geez democrats….(actually i have no problem with them but if ur gonna be cynical and discriminating then i am too)

A REPUBLICAN, gross. But hey, if you managed to sway him on some things, he’s better than most- I mean, he listened, and most of them won’t do that much. Bastards, all of them.

I think you should call the customers “tricks”, like how many tricks did you turn today, then your boss will think you are a former whore trying to go straight, as it were. That would explain you’re being so hard and bitter toward the customers. sorry, I just thought that would make a good backstory. Davo PS it sounds like a pretty cool job, as jobs go, y’know. good for you.

it’s good that you swayed him on some things, you did your part. I was just reading about how W & crew arranges for people to be tortured by shipping them off to countries that allow it. I can’t understand how anybody can claim he’s a “moral” person, unless they think morality is more about not getting blowjobs from interns than about things like torture. Davo

I think the fortune cookie would have been better if it said “you give good head for money.” maybe that’s what you meant. If so, never mind. Davo

I’ve seen republicans. I have a cousin-in-law who’s one. His wife is pregnant, I hope the baby doesn’t turn out to be one of THEM. Davo

re pubic ans are no good

democrats arent much better. fags agreeing to be okay with ‘civil unions’ is like blacks agreeing to having separate water fountains

yesterday a former governor of washington state accidentally elbowed my breast. then he talked about politics.

in other news you continue to write well