chronic bullshit

I need to note baaaaaaack but am strapped for time and also to a prosthetic penis. I am almost positive I spelt that word wrong.

things have been happening and then they stop happening and new things start to happen again. tomorrow brings PHASE 2 of my grooming training course which throws me back into a different salon to learn how to apply specific patterns to specific dog breeds. nine days in a row with no day off. god damn I love making six dollars an hour.

boring, and no, I am not looking forward to it. but, at least I started something and am going to actually follow through and finish it. I, like, never do that.

I got pulled over. again. for speeding. first speeding ticket I’ve ever received. 82 in a 65. on the freeway. fucking bullshit. the cop made me want to vomit. have I ever said that I fucking hate cops? cause I do.

I scored a grip of new clothes from the third roommates exgirlfriend, who left a giant suitcase here about a year ago. all she asked for was the suitcase and the red leather jacket from the Gap, which didnt fit me right anyway. man, free clothes is funtimes especially since she dressed kinda cool and wore the saaaaaame wonderous size as me. perhaps it was good karma, but probably not.

the girlfriend sat in on my sociology class and outed my gayness to the whole class and I turned real red and now every time I go to that class everyone is going to be like “there is the quiet gay chick”.

2008 is too late the world cant wait drive out the bush regime. seriously, go to and check out everything on the “media” page.

I got distracted now I have to leave.

Log in to write a note

F that distraction S

i dont ever note you anymore

maybe thats not true. i vote less myspace more teeohdee. you do more stuff on myspace but your writing is more personal and involved here dont tell me what to do! ok i wont

no, you spelt that exactly right. I should know, I’m quite anal about spelling. But still, I think I’ll be careful about bending over as long as you’re walking around with that strapped on. I hope you had some insurance papers to show the cop. Davo PS I have a Bush rant you may find pleasing in my latest entry.