christmas is for suckers

christmashed me into poverty and now I’ll eat noodles for four weeks without complaint, it’s all about the smiles I see on those shining family faces.

on the phone, my mom says

jaime, don’t be cynical and sarcastic about Christmas. just for five days. I only get to see you a few times a year so please don’t be cynical about everything we do.

and I say

mom, I’m not cynical. I love Christmas.

I’m misunderstood because I DO like Christmas. It’s pretty and festiv and fuck man, at work I am getting the fattest tips.

I made a lot of my gifts and used pot brownies for the rest. I bought my mom shit from Ikea and my dad a world war II model airplane and my brother a nice bottle of liquor. who can say I’m cynical and sarcastic? maybe sarcastic but hey thats just memememmemem and they can love me or loath me and either way I’m getting drunk off wine at Christmas dinner.

my brother is the frattiest frat boy you’ll ever meet and if I have to hear one more story about how many beer bongs he did in one night I’ll…um… I don’t know, keep listening I guess cause I’m jelous of his social status and the insane likability he’s always posessed and the insane dislikability I always have.


all in the spirit, right? I took the gee eff to see a Christmas Carol at the herberger theater here in Phoenix and it was fucking awesome. I love theater and all that it entails and it reminds me so much of high school when everything in my life revolved around theater and the current mohave high school production. I was stage manager, a job that sounds made up but was actually very involved. for her though, it must be much more intense since she starred, headlined, and performed in nearly all of our full length productions. fuck, why has someone so well rounded and talented in so many aspects ended up with someone as fickle and low key as me? I remember her senior year she had a dellima resembling that robert frost poem

do I try and be an actress or do I try and be a cook? I guess she opted for the more realistic endeaver, one in which her talent soared just as high.

as of now I am in northern california staying with the parents and the homefromcollege brother and grandmother, drinking cheap beer and talking stupid politics with the fam damily.

That’s why I like Chritmas, anything out of the ordinary is good for you. for every part of you. mind and body and a re-evaluation of everythying that is current in your life. right. now.

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