back to grey again

I don’t generally eat at Denny’s. It’s not really that I hate the food, though the food has proven to be of poor quality, you can’t really go wrong with deep fried everything and nifty titles like “moons over mehamy”.  The food is not what keeps me away, it’s the old people. The ones who sit tight lipped and loose skinned, across from their mate of forty or fifty years, eating in complete silence. Listening to the other chew, the ceiling fans, the cash register. The chicken fried steak, the ceaser salads, the toothless waitress, none of this has prompted them to speak to each other. I find it odd when people dine and do not speak and Denny’s is seemingly a Mecca for this behavior. Thus I stay away, because for me it evokes a depression that runs up and down my body that I, too, will one day be sitting at that Denny’s on Southern and Main (the one that serves liquor), having nothing to talk about.

but whatever, I like their salads.

the next assignment in this writing class I’m taking is a three to four page essay answering the question "what is one of your purposes in life?"

I talked to another rather standoffish socially inaccurate boy with a lip ring who said to me, "that is either the stupidest or the most complicated question anyone has ever asked me." and I nodd.

this "writing community" of a class has pumped me full of these ideas that writing communities are, like, effective since I have been writing much more than usual. and with this thought spawned another, perhaps I should start my own writing community. one in which all of it’s members are like the standoffish socially inaccurate boy, one in which the prompts are thought provoking in a more creative and less self reflective way.

thus I have came up with

MALAPROPISMS: a community for edgy and maladjusted writers.

I told my new vegan male friend who told me I should do it, he would join. So… I made a flier. It’s a fucking cool flier. I gave one to him, he gave one to another of his friend’s who has committed to also joining. I gave one to standoffish, socially inaccurate boy who said, "I don’t know if you noticed this but I’m not very socially equipped." and I said, "me either. that’s the point." and he said he would also come.

by come I mean sunday, october 22nd at 7:30, at my house. with lots of beer and…

must go, eat indian food the girlfriend made. will finish when someone cares.

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October 11, 2006

can i join.

October 12, 2006

Sounds like a party…

October 12, 2006

wouldnt that kinda descibe this site(or maybe moreso TOD), minus the beer?

October 13, 2006

paragraph about the Denny’s clientele was great. Maybe they have been together so long they anticipate anything the other would say & reply with an imperceptible nod which also becomes anticipated, so the conversation becomes sort of telepathic. I think I ate at a Denny’s once… Oh, yeah, I was going camping with a bunch of people who lived scattered all over so we agreed to meed at a centrally located Denny’s early in the morning for a big belly-filling slow-digesting greasy breakfast before we set forth. It was pretty good. Isn’t a community for socially misfit people a sort of paradox? Someone, maybe Groucho Marx, said that he wouldn’t join any organization that had such low standards as to admit him, which maybe isn’t quite the same but it’s a good line. Davo