note to self – religion bites

Been busy…sleeping mostly.
I think I’m a Bear animorph.
It explains my hibernation weekends.

When I have the time I want to write an entry about what I’ve come to realize about Religion and Marriage.
Religion places marriage on such a heavily gelded pedestal that it completely sidelines encouraging simple relationships.
I have molded much of my thoughts on religion around my observations of my Mormon roommate. Mormonism is, perhaps, an extreme example of a religion’s hold on life and this makes it easier to study against "normal" secular life.

Will check back later.

Off to pick classes. Still don’t have a major.

Need to take a lab class so maybe I’ll end up with Psych.

So far choices:

Italian (required)
Modern Philosophy
Writing for Children (if I get in)
Psych (lab requirement)
Religion in American Life

if I had the time I’d JUMP the chance to take Fan Culture at Swat, but no time and won’t get credit because it’s not through the bi-co. Bastard administration.

Since I joined twitter my blogging has slowed to a horrible death creep.

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November 8, 2009

I’m on Twitter, too! What’s your name? ~

November 8, 2009

I feel… sad that I actually *think* I caught the animorph comment… if you were talking about the books. I understand the stuff about Mormons, obviously, growing up mormon… and still having plenty of contact with them, I see how it takes over their life a lot.

November 9, 2009

ryn:// of course! Welcome 🙂