Saturday 5 November 2022
Absolutely knackered! I didn’t get to sleep until 3 am and then could’ve quite happily stayed in bed for the day. Was mopping the kitchen and doing 3 loads of washing in the middle of the night. Got up at 10 am, mucked out, moved fencing, filled water troughs, and filled 6 hay nets. Washed up, and did another load of washing and drying. Nowhere to hang it all now. Hannah wanted help with her work. It’s getting colder now. The middle field needs harrowing. Beryl is in season, she’s pushing Flo’s patience. Will only be a matter of time until there’s a fight. The back kitchen is in a state as per usual. The hallway has 14 doors in the way, waiting for the joiner. I’ve still 2 bathrooms to buy. Still waiting on the decorator and floor man. I’ve got this huge job to do entering data, and I’ve to read a 40-page document for work. Elon Musk has sacked his human Rights department from Twitter (as well as half the workforce) I’ve deleted my account and have just put out to colleagues that the department should do the same.