I have a few free minutes, so I thought I’d take advantage and update what happened this morning. Remember I said I was supposed to have a phone hearing about my unemployment? Well, the lady called at 10:30 as scheduled, and said that the appeal had been withdrawn!! Everything stays the same, and she told me to "keep doing whatever you’re doing." Haha. I was reading the little pamphlet they sent me with the notice of the hearing, and apparently most withdrawn appeals cannot be reopened. So, fingers crossed, it sounds like this case is closed! WOOT!
I have to confess, I’m kind of glad I lost my job. Yes, getting fired sucks, and in the middle of all the other bad news I was getting (on what felt like a daily basis), it certainly wasn’t the best time. However, I hated that job. I was constantly stressed, it was so far from home (which gave Stan perfect opportunities to go cheat on me, but I digress), I was spending so much money on gas and tolls, and it was a shitty job. Plus, the best part is that I now get more time with my daughter. She doesn’t have to go to daycare yet, and I get to see her every day and watch her grow. It’s probably going to make it even harder when I eventually find a job and do have to put her in daycare, but right now, it’s a blessing, and I love that it’s enabled us to deepen our bond
I don’t have much else planned today. Skye and I have been playing and napping all day, and her father should be here around 6ish to pick her up for the evening. At that time, I’m headed to Ben’s for a home-cooked meal and some snuggles (and maybe more??).
Ah, and Skye is getting fussy. Off to take care of the little one, y’all!
RYN: *grins* That’s very nice of you to say… so thank you!
I guess it’s true that doctors can make you worry as much as they can reassure you at times! (up until now, my doctor has been lovely and hands-off, he said he’s usually not concerned until his patients are measuring a month or more behind, then he just likes to make sure that all is well). I originally had an ultrasound booked for 36wks which he’d ordered weeks ago – just to check on growth patterns, pelvis size etc before the birth, but he moved it up given what he suspected on Thursday.
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