Still Searchin

I had an interview today at 1:00, for a company that does event planning for businesses. It was just a meet and greet, though, and what the lady told me was that she and the other managers will review all the resumes they’ve gotten and pick some people for a second interview, which they’ll call for later in the week. She said the second interview will take place at an actual event, where I’ll be shadowing someone to see if this is something I would like to do, as well as let the company see if I’d be a good fit for them. It’s an entry level-position, and I’d be learning how to become a manager or an assistant manager in the future. It seems like a very neat place to work, something that would be creative and that I could enjoy. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a call back! In the meantime, I’m setting up nterviews for this week. I have one tomorrow at 9:45am for a company that sells health and life insurance to individuals, familys, self-employed and small businesses. That could be fun. Then I have a tentative interview for Wednesday morning, and possibly one for Thursday morning as well. And, I’ll be applying for more jobs as well.

I haven’t been back to work yet. If I can help it, I don’t ever want to work another minute there. However, if I don’t find something this week, I may have to go back. Totally sucks, but I’m keeping my spirits and my confidence up, believing that I can find something before the week is out.

This weekend was good. Friday I had lunch with Courtney, then came home and applied for jobs and watched TV. Saturday Stan and I went to lunch, then went to my mom’s to help her put her new TV up and take her old one out. She bought an HDTV, and her cable company is coming today to give her the HD receiver and stuff. She’s definitely happy with her purchase 🙂 Then, we went grocery shopping for Amy, since she and Mack are sick. We hung out there for about an hour, then came home. I didn’t want to stay too long, because I cannot afford to get sick. Sunday, Angela came over, and the three of us went to Cracker Barrel for a late lunch, then we came home and Angela and I looked through my stack of Cosmos and Glamours because Angela was wanting some beauty articles. Then she left around 6ish, and Stan and I went grocery shopping for ourselves, then came home and watched The Celebrity Apprentice.

Well, I’m off to go update my Books Read list… I just finished a wonderful book that Sarah sent me! Thanks honey!

Have a good day all!

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Well I’m glad you have some prospects. The event planning business sounds interesting! Good luck on all the interviews!