Picture Update

Don’t have time for a real entry right now, but I did cut my hair last Friday! We went to a baby shower that Saturday for an old coworker, and those are really the only pictures I have of my hair so far. So, here you go! 🙂

Amy and I at Zoe’s shower

Zoe & Rami!

Me being silly… see how short the hair is?? And she put layers in the back. It’s almost time for highlights again!

She’s so tiny… she doesn’t have much longer to go!! (No one knows what gender the baby is, either… I say boy, Amy and Stan say girl).

Us… awww.

Amy and Zoe (I can’t get the two little dots over the "e")

Zoe and me… I was looking at her husband’s camera while Zoe was looking at ours. Ha! But this is probably the best pic I have of the short hair.

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I like your short hairs! Probably a pretty similar length to what I’ll be getting. 🙂 Wow, your former co-worker’s tiny for being so far along! I bet she’s tall with a long waist. 🙂

Cute hairs! 🙂

Thank you for feedback on my poem. 🙂