
I’ve been debating all day about whether to write this entry now, or wait a little longer. I’ve decided that I just can’t wait any longer.

I’m pregnant!!!!

Did your jaw hit the floor, too? I know mine did. I’ve known about this for a little over two weeks now. But I went to the doctor today and had it confirmed by a medical professional. Funny story about that. It was supposed to be confirmed by my OBGYN yesterday, but when we got to the doctor’s office yesterday, I discovered they no longer take my insurance (awesome) so we wasted a trip for nothing. My insurance requires me to get a referral from my primary care doctor for a specialist, so I had to see her today. She gave me a test in the office, confirmed that I’m pregnant, and sent me off to the lab to have blood work done to determine how far along I am. HOPEFULLY I’ll have the results tomorrow, but if not, Tuesday by the latest. The girl in the office was supposed to call me with referral information, because she was out to lunch when I was leaving, but she didn’t. So I’ll have to follow up with her tomorrow as well.

Now that all the technical stuff is out of the way… Oh. My. God. I’m going to be a mother. It is so surreal. I told two of my close friends earlier, and both of them said I didn’t sound excited. I told them I’m still in shock. It doesn’t seem real yet. And truthfully, we have a long way to go yet. That’s what Stan keeps saying. Don’t get me wrong. He is THRILLED. But we’ve both seen so many people around us have complications and things come up, and while we’re definitely not focused on that, we want to be realistic and understand that it’s a possibility. God forbid. Mostly, though, we’re extremely excited, and nervous, of course. It’s a huge life change. One that we’re ready for, but still… can you ever be fully prepared to bring another life into the world? People tell me I’m going to be a great mother, and I certainly hope so. I have a good role model (my mom). I do know that Stan is going to be an excellent daddy. He’s already making room for the baby in our home. He includes it in converstations, and asks how we’re both feeling 🙂 It’s really very sweet.

I think part of the reason it hasn’t really sunk in yet is because I’m not getting a lot of the symptoms most pregnant women get. I haven’t had any morning sickness. I do get nauseous on occasion, but never actually get sick. Usually it’s because I’m hungry and haven’t eaten in a few hours. I am eating more, but when I eat, I eat less. Also, everyone says their breasts get very tender and sore. Mine haven’t. My nipples have been more sensitive, to the point of pain sometimes, but nothing else. My breasts look and feel fuller, I can tell that. But no other soreness. The only thing I really am experiencing is fatigue. I am so tired all the time. I’m actually taking naps now. I never take naps. They always leave me feeling more tired than before. Not anymore, though. It’s gotten to the point where I’m catching 20 minutes of Z’s on my lunch at work. That’s how tired I am. I have noticed that I can’t eat ranch dressing anymore. It all tastes funny to me. I also notice that I’m more prone to eat red meat than chicken. I still love chicken… but my tastes lean towards red meat. And salads. If I’m eating out, and they have a salad bar, I’m sold. Which is a good thing 🙂 Hmmm, that suddenly makes me want to go to Sweet Tomatoes…

Now. Here’s the thing. For those of you that follow me on Facebook – PLEASE don’t say anything about this over there. Not yet. We want to wait until after the first trimester before we tell the whole world. I’ve told a few close friends, because I feel they have the right to know. Also, this is my diary, and something like this needs to be documented. A few of you here are very near and dear to me as well, so I wanted to share as soon as possible. Just PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE – no comments or even hints over on Facebook. Thank you.

I think I’m going to go find some dinner. Have a good evening everyone!

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RYN: Join the queue…LOL! 😉

RYN: Can’t let you go into Sism 2 withdrawal! Here’s where I started putting my pictures tonight:

RYN: I managed to keep it from my Mum yesterday, so fingers crossed I’ll be able to share the good news with her soon. 🙂

RYN: Probably after our first scan (which is an early one, at 6.5 weeks)

I saw your baby shower photos on FB this morning! You got spoiled by your friends and family! How long to go now (roughly) until Skye is due? 🙂 RYN: Yeah? That’ll give me something to look forward to, then! 😉

RYN: By next March I’ll probably be cursing the Summer heat too! (it gets pretty warm here in my city too)

RYN: LOL, mean and cravings? I’ll have to keep an eye on Matt (so far I haven’t noticed anything awry with his eating habits!)

RYN #2: And yes, yes, yes! I saw the beautiful pictures of Skye on Facebook, I’m ecstatic for you guys (even if I didn’t comment at the time…. oops!). Hope you’re all settling in lovely. 🙂

RYN: Hehe, thanks for the congrats! It feels like old news here on my OD, but I forget that a lot of people didn’t know over on there (extended family, friends etc). Oh my word, the weight. Maybe not so much on the scales, but I think it’s all gone to my boobs and my stomach. I’ve started taking measurements (not in a health way, but because I’m interested in seeing the difference between3mths, 6mths etc!). 3cm on the chest in a week… I think I’m going to cry! 😛

RYN: *smiles* Thanks, I was wondering who this was before you said! 😛

RYN: I’ve got a bucketload of stretchmarks on my bottom courtesy of puberty, so I haven’t escaped life completely unscathed! 😉

RYN: In the southern part of Australia (where I live) the heat is fairly dry as opposed to humid – which is lucky! I cope better in the dry than in humidity. 😉 Well, we’ll have to see what happens in my situation! Honestly, I’d rather prefer to go into labour a little earlier than expected (not stupidly early or anything, obviously), more for not sitting around twiddling my thumbs and waiting. 😛