Random bored at work entry.
The title real should say it all. At times my job can be fun and challenging, but this time of year, there is nothing going on. Well that and at the moment I am working, on average, about 8 hours a week, four hours on Saturday morning and four hours Sunday morning. I was supposed to work a whole 32 hours this weekend, but I called and had someone else go in last night. Yeah, Im lazy. I am reaping the benefits of owning a business finally. Ive been with this company for nearly ten years and owned 49% for about five years now and this is the first time I feel like I am getting to rest. For a long time I worked 80+ hours a week. At times I would find myself on duty for 24-48 hours straight. It got to be too much. So I finally decided to tell the other owner (her job is to print pay checks, its tough work but someone has to make a bunch of money for doing it) that I was going to scale back my hours. She was upset seeing as I make a good amount of money and when I am on site I am earning money for the company and when Im not, well Im not. So I work between 8 and 24 hours a week. So I make about $108.00 an hour (if you are not counting bonuses). Yeah that pisses her off pretty well. Now if you factor in that I spend most of my days (when Im working over night) watching dvds and playing online video games (World of Warcraft) its not a bad gig. But then there is the rough time of year when I end up doing 100 hours a week and missing every major holiday with my kids. But I digress. Moving on.
So the other day Lang and I were at a used book store (a cute little shop that I have been going to since I was a boy. The owner actually may be responsible for my love of storytelling) and Im just poking around when I turn the corner and there is Lang sitting on the ground look just as cute as a button. Now this is an old school used book store where there are just stacks upon stacks of books everywhere you look and only one person can walk through an isle at a time, and they have to go through sideways. Well she is plopped there on the floor looking at books and she asks
You ever read this? and there in her hands was a book I had been searching for almost my entire life. Danse Macabre by Stephen King. Never heard of it? Yeah no one really has. It is basically just 421 pages of Stephen King talking about the horror genre. It was first written in 1981 and republished a few times. The copy Lang found was a 1984 reprint (which is better because he fixed a few things that he had screwed up in the first print). So Im reading it and it is fantastic. If you are a fan of the horror genre, whether it be film or written fiction, this is a great book. He has such a great point of view on the subject and it gives you a great insight as to how the genre has ended up where it is.
Hmmm, what else can I ramble on about?
How can I have an entry at the moment without mentioning Script Frenzy? Well if you read my last entry, its going very well. Though I did hit a snag this morning. I am retelling a story that pretty much everyone alive knows (not sure if its against the rules of script frenzy, but I contacted the property owners and they said I am clear to write it, but if it ever sells I will have to negotiate a payment) and I decided to give a different background than is the commonly excepted one. Im not the first to change this story but I think the change that I made may affect the outcome. I like it better myself, but who knows what the world would think. If I decide to change it I will have to go back and rewrite about 2/3 of what I have already. Not sure if I want to do that or not. Well see.
Still with me?
I bought the game Rock Band the other day. Its awesome. I loved the Guitar Hero series and this game is just WAY better. I tried the singing portion and lets just say it did not work out so well. I already rock the guitar so I tried the drums. Im getting better at it. I started off screwing up every other note but now I can breeze through most songs on medium and not have to worry about being booed off stage. Lang played it with me for a few hours the other night (if you want to know about that you will have to wait to see if she includes it in a post) and we had a great time. Though my leg and shoulders hurt like a son of a bitch when we were done. Its a lot of fun and a great game for parties and such. Who knows maybe Im the next virtual Tommy Lee. . . . Well Garth Algar at least.
I think thats all your time I will waste for the moment.
See ya.
Wow, I just read this back and it’s just littered with my wonderful ADHD ramblings. Terrific.
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I’m almost tempted to try Rock Band for the drumset simply because I hate Guitar Hero so much (I can’t play the guitar – my hands cramp up something horrible and look like arthritis claws). Book stores like that are awesome. Have a nice day!
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These are the sorts of entries that I love reading of yours! I don’t consider it rambling at all. I write these sorts of entries a lot – it’s easier and sometimes more true than if you write your entire entry based solely on one thing.Rock Band was a lot of fun. Is a lot of fun. It would be awesome if they had musical songs. I think I might play before you get home. hehehe.Love,
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And also, you do a lot of work for the company when you’re not on site. I think that counts for a lot more than S knows.Aaaand, I will have to watch or read up on some of the “original” stories before reading your script I think. Mostly because I know the jist, but not the full story, you know?I can’t wait though. I love you baby.
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Everybody keeps telling me I should buy Rock Band, too. I would, but the price always scares me off!
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I agree with Lang. This sort of entry is a pretty common thing to see on OD and it’s not bad at all. It lets us get to know you a little bit. Your script sounds interesting. Now I am curious about which story you are using.
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