my turn.

Sometimes the unexpected is just around the corner.So meanwhile our other bestfriend sarah has hooked up with Daniel, mikes roommate. while she was over there hanging out she began disscussing my situation with them, because of the falling out i had with daniella, sarah was the only one that i talked to about my depression and cutting which now had almost taken over my life more accurately my body.Mike must have felt some sympathy for me because he decided to talk to me about it confessing his own past tendencies to self-abuse. after swapping stories we bonded and became closer friends.Before i knew it we were making plans to hang out…just the two of us this time.Not only did we have to hide it from my mom but also daniella now as well so to keep it on the downlow he decided to pick my up late at night and i would sneak out of my house.It was the night of may 31 2001. we went back to his place. I can picture it perfectly in my head sitting sideways on the couch watching him sit like a little boy on the floor while he looked though the movies on the shelf asking me what i wanted to watch…i really didnt care. So he picked out robin hood, he sat beside me and we started watching it.Out of nowhere he leaned in and kissed my right earlobe so soft and warm. sending shivers down my spine, then went to the other side to kiss my left earlobe.making me melt even more. but the time he got to my lips i was lost in ecstasy.From that point to the moment his roommate got home its really just a smudged up passionate red oil painting in my mind.When i came back to reality it was when daniel walked in the door.Daniel didnt even realise who mike was making out with he just like "oh you got someone over …k" and then went into his room so that i could put my shirt back on. when he came back out he was surprised to see me. Later on he confessed that he thought that i was daniella because he didnt know who else mike would have been with. Mike took me home early in the morn before sunrise, i had school the next day and i was just floating on clouds.

June 1 2001

i dont know what to say i always end up proving myself wrong about what the future will hold doesnt matter all that matters is tha ti have that one night to remember all my life that one night it was real no one can take it away now i dont know why things happen they way they do but they do maybe it doesnt matter how or why it just needed to be well i guess i am glad last night i was so happy i was shaking i cant believe it i never thought i now its not a big thing but it was a step closer so oh well.

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